twenty questions-hannah

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hannah's pov:

as grayson zipped down the streets of jersey, i couldn't help but admire him. this boy. the moonlight glided over his face, making him look even more godlike than before. his hazel eyes twinkled with delight.

we pulled into the diner parking lot and he helped me off of the motorcycle.

"that was.. amazing." i said, breaking into a smile. he laughed and i swear i almost died. " glad you liked it." he responded. "let's go eat. he said excitedly.

we went inside the diner, ordered our food. (pancakes to be exact) and played twenty questions.

"question one.. what is one thing you've never told anyone?" he asked me, cocking his eyebrow slightly. i pretended to think for a minute but i knew my answer all along. "i have to get one of my teeth removed.. like a front one." i said, my cheeks burning red in embarrassment. "when?" he asked. "december." i said glumly. "well you're still beautiful, front tooth or not." he said. "thank you." i replied, smiling again.

"question two, have you ever been in love?" he asked.
"you answer first," i said.

"never." he breathed out.

"me neither." i said.

"but what about jacob? i thought you loved him?" he said, bewilderment and hope flashing in his eyes.

"everyone thinks that... but when i'm around him.. there aren't any sparks. i know that sounds cheesy and stupid but i never get a feeling. when we kiss, it just feels like a kiss."

" i have never felt that. i want to though." he answered. i think the time was making us say things we weren't supposed to.

the questions stopped there. we got our pancakes, ate them happily, and walked out of the diner. the sun was rising. he drove the motorcycle to the beach, watching the colors shift in the sky.

we walked along the beach, shoulders brushing as we talked about stupid things. we sat near the surf, watching the pink and orange hues collide.

a/n:  vote for the next chapter! there's a time jump :)

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