november- grayson

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a/n: TIME JUMP. summer is over and hannah left jersey. she hasn't seen grayson since the summer and it is now the end of november. they still text everyday and facetime late into the night.

grayson's pov:

i was editing ethan and i's newest video when i felt my phone buzz. i fumbled with the lock screen. i hope it's hannah.

hannah: heyyy graybaeee

grayson: hi han

hannah: i'm getting my tooth removed tomorrow.

grayson: want to talk about it?

hannah: ft me

grayson: k

i pressed call and waited for her to answer in anticipation. after a few short rings her face popped onto the screen and i smiled.

"grayson i'm so nervous for tomorrow." she admitted, rubbing her hands on her face. "i wish you were here." she breathed out.

"trust me meloche, i do too." i said.

after talking for a few minutes, she had to hang up, something about filming a video with ella. a lightbulb went off in my head.

why wasn't i there? ethan and i had filmed all of our videos for december ahead of time, in an effort to get a break. he was always with emma anyways, probably sucking her face off.

maybe i should fly down there and surprise her?

i texted hannah's mom and asked if it was okay. she got back to me almost instantly, telling me it was a great idea. i booked a ticket for the morning, packing my suitcase hastily.

i woke up the next day, hopped on a plane, literally giving zero fucks, and headed to michigan to surprise hannah.

a/n: vote for the next chapter

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