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hannah's pov:

christmas night in jersey was cold and snowy. we snuggled by the fire, lightly kissing whenever his parents turned away from us.

"want to ride the four wheeler?"

" gray, it's 1am and 15 degrees outside."

"cmon maggie, live a little."

"fine. but grayson bailey! how did you find out about that?"

"i have my ways."

i pulled on one of his high school lacrosse sweatshirts and threw some snow boots on. i then added my winter coat on top, along with some gloves and a beanie. he wore his cherry red winter coat, looking hot as ever. hannah stop!!!! i scolded myself mentally.

i gripped onto his waist and we sped off
into the dense woods, snow falling quickly. he stopped at a clearing and we both hopped off. the moon looked a thousand times bigger than usual and the stars seemed to shine extra bright.

"remember when you were telling me about kissing jacob? how it felt like nothing?" grayson prompted.


"do you... um... feel something, you know, with me?" he stuttered.

"hmm i don't know? maybe you'll just have to kiss me?" i teased.

he took my rosy cheeks in his hands and pressed a firm kiss against my lips.

he pulled away and raised his eyebrow in question.

"it feels like home." i said. his shoulders relaxed and he smiled.

the snow was now coming down slowly. a few flakes lay on our eyelashes and atop our hats. our noses were turning rosy from the cold.

"wanna dance?" he questioned.

he pulled me into his warm frame, gripping my waist. i laced my arms around his neck and we started to sway lightly.

we both laughed happily at the stupidness of it all. it was below freezing and here we were, in the woods of jersey, dancing.

i love you. i thought giddily.

"i love you hannah meloche." he said into my ear. he placed a light kiss on top of my nose and i giggled.

"i love you more g."

"i think.. i think i want to spend my life with you hannah. i want to spend it all with you." he said suddenly. my eyes bulged at this.

he wanted to spend his life with me?

"i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you off with my big dreams of the future. i just.." he started, nerves setting in.

i kissed him gently to shut him up. " i want that, i want all of that, with you." i responded. the air suddenly grew a whole lot warmer.

the end.

a/n: thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it!!! love u always.

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