michigan- hannah

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hannah's pov:

after spending two weeks straight with grayson and my other friends, it was time to head home. yes i was sad to be leaving, but also excited to see my family again.

i woke up that day, ready to go to the airport. grayson slept with me again, his muscled arm laced protectively around my abdomen. god i'm going to miss this. i sighed and climbed out of bed, despite my brain telling me to stay. as i was making coffee in the dolan's kitchen, i heard footsteps behind me. grayson emerged from the semi darkness, considering it was 4am.

"hey" i whispered, trying not to wake ethan.

"hi hannah" he whispered back. "i'm going to miss your crazy ass."

"you know it" i joked, suddenly awake despite the early time.

i handed him his coffee mug and he gladly accepted it. he placed it on the counter and pulled me in for a soft hug.

"come with me." i said suddenly getting an idea.

"wait.. really?" he asked

"well.. yeah. you could meet my family and stuff. maybe they'll even like you." i teased

he walked out of the room and came back with a suitcase, already packed.

"i already got a ticket. i hope you don't mind." he said, turning crimson.

"of course not gray."

we climbed into the car and sped off towards the airport. together we made our way through security and to our gate. we then boarded the plane together and found our seats.

i told him all about my hometown. he looked excited to see where i came from. as the plane was taking off, i fell asleep, my head finding its way to his shoulder. not on purpose obviously.

i felt a hand latched onto my thigh lightly shaking me awake.

"hannah we're here" he mumbled

" yay layover" i said sarcastically

we boarded the next plane. i was energized from my coffee, but grayson was worn out. he rested his head on my shoulder, soft snores escaping his lips.

at about 5:00pm we landed in michigan.

we found our way to my car and climbed in. he turned on some throwback songs and we jammed out.

i drove to my grandparents house. little did he know it was an abandoned school.

"hey hannah?" he said. "thanks for letting me come. i hope your family likes me."

i chuckled softly, knowing they would probably like grayson more than jacob.

a/n: vote for the next chapter

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