A Deal Is Made!

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 After Keeper left, Dean stayed in the forest for a while, walking around thinking of what they had talked about. As much as he despised the asshole, he had to admit that Keeper had made some good points. How could he trust anything that came out of that bastard's mouth though? They could have been Vassago's words, luring him into a trap! But what if he was telling the truth? Could he really take that risk? Could he not?

 He stopped walking and ran his hands over his face sighing frustrated, if it was just him involved then he wouldn't have hesitated to take him up on his offer. It wasn't just him though, he has a family now to look out for and their safety was his main concern. Thinking about them suddenly made his choice very clear, Keeper could shove his offer up his ass; he was going down with Vassago and the others! He decided to go home and finish what he started with Josiah; he was going to take his kind down and he was going to do it his way, dammit! He ran home and was about to go back inside when someone called his name stopping him, he closed his eyes and hung his head, his back to them, as he spoke.

 "It's late, you should be sleeping." Dean said sighing, as he turned to face them.

 "Couldn't sleep knowing you believe we think you're going dark."

 "I don't have time for this, Seth!" Dean said frustrated.

 "Make time, Ambrose!" Seth stated firmly, as he crossed his arms.

 "We're in the middle of a damn war and all you guys want to do is talk about our feelings; feelings don't win wars, Seth! I'm a warrior, dammit, I don't do feelings or emotional crap, so if you'll excuse me I have important shit I need to do!" Dean replied angrily, as he began walking towards the monastery.

 "Nope!" Seth said, as he grabbed Dean's arm stopping him again. "You're going to talk to me, no more running away!"

 "I think you've said enough already!" Dean said bitterly, as he pulled his arm free and turned to face him. "I heard everything, remember?"

 "Dammit, Dean, stop acting like a damn child and let me explain!" Seth said frustrated. "Look, we love you alright, we're a family and families are the ones you can count on to have your back no matter what! Families are also the ones you can count on to kick your ass and call your bullshit when you're acting like a complete asshole!" He added sighing.

 "Wow, okay...so, not only do you all think I'm going dark, but you think I'm an asshole too! Wow, dude, great freaking pep talk!" Dean said sarcastically, as he turned to walk away again.

 "That...that, right there is what I'm talking about!" Seth said upset, stopping Dean; he kept his back to Seth. "You've changed, Dean, we all know it and so do you!" He added, waiting for some kind of reaction from Dean, but never got one. "I remember the first time I met you, do you remember that? You came in through my apartment window, looking for Roman and you had been seriously injured by a Hunter."

 "I remember." Dean said quietly, his back still to Seth.

 "Do...do you remember how different you were then? How the love you shared with Roman was what kept you fighting...kept you grounded? Then our family grew; first, you and I became close, then Paige joined us, not long after Rose and Violet joined and finally, Zander joined completing our little, dysfunctional family. No matter what happened though, the love we all share was enough to keep you grounded, it kept you...you." Seth said sadly.

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