Breaking Down

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**The Next Day**:

 Dean walked through the quiet forest, as the sun began to rise in the sky, lost in his thoughts of Roman and the fight they had had the night before. He loved Roman with every fiber of his being, but Roman didn't understand why he had made the alliance with Keeper; hell, he didn't even try to understand! He had made the damn alliance for Roman and the rest of their family, to ensure they won. Of course, none of them would understand that, no, all they'd focus on was that he had made it with Keeper and automatically think he was going dark! He hated that he had fought with Roman, hated that he had made him cry, but it hurt him to know that his own family thought so little of him, that they didn't trust him to know what he was doing.

 He stopped walking and sat down on a stump, he sighed, as he ran his hands over his face. The pressure of being the Chosen One was getting to him, he felt so alone and on the verge of a breakdown. No one knew what it was like to have the fate of the entire world resting on their shoulders, like he did. They didn't know what it was like to have something growing inside of you that you can't control or even understand. He thought that he had people who loved and understood him, people he could fall back on when the pressure got to be too much...but he was wrong! He was beginning to think that he had made a huge mistake falling in love with Roman in the first place! Maybe, he had been naive and completely foolish to ever believe that a Vampire and a mortal could fall in love. Maybe...just maybe, Vassago had been right about one thing; mortals would never truly understand Vampires.

**Meanwhile With Roman**:

 After the fight with Dean, Roman had stayed by the lake for a while, crying and fearing that he had lost him. He then went back to the monastery just as the sun began to rise, hoping to get back before his family woke. He had done a lot of thinking after their fight and even though he had meant everything that he had said to Dean, he wasn't sure if he was going to tell their family about Keeper. He knew Dean would never do anything that would hurt them or put them in any kind of danger, but he wasn't sure if the rest of their family would feel the same. Hell, they had already confessed that they were all worried about him going dark; this would only make things worse.

 Thankfully though, when he had returned no one was awake and he was able to make it to his room unnoticed, giving him more time to think. He changed his clothes and he's been sitting on the edge of his bed for an hour now and he was still no closer to figuring out what to do. He loved Dean more than his own life and he felt like an ass for not understanding or supporting him in every damn way, like he did for Roman. He trusted Dean with his life, so why couldn't he trust Dean's alliance plan? Maybe, it was because if he accepted it, then he'd have to also accept the fact that Dean didn't believe that his family...that Roman, was enough to help him win the war. His thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on his door; he quickly pulled himself together and standing he took a deep breath, before he told the person to come in.

 "Morning, Ro." Seth greeted him smiling, as he came into the room.

 "Morning, Seth." Roman greeted him back, faking his smile.

 "Where's D?" Seth asked noticing he wasn't there.

 "Uh, I don't know, he was gone when I woke up." Roman answered sighing.

 "Ro, is everything okay? You seem..." Seth began, but Zander's angry voice from downstairs cut him off.

 Both men looked at each other confused, before they left the room and rushed downstairs to find the others watching as Zander angrily stood in front of an equally angry Dean, the two Vamps were arguing; thankfully, the girls were upstairs in their room and they couldn't hear them.

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