👑 3 👑

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3rd Person's POV:
Both Alpha and Omega where frozen in place trying to get their crazy hearts to beat normally. "I'm really sorry I was distracted" said Jungkook while helping Jimin to his feet again. With an intense blush on his cheeks Jimin shook his head looking down as if he's shoes where the most interesting thing in the world. "N-no iit was t-totally my fault. I was in a rush and d-didn't see you" said Jimin in a small voice cursing himself internally for stuttering so much. Jungkook awed at how adorable his small hyung looked and felt like giving himself a pat in the shoulder for making Jimin blush. "It's alright hyung. I actually came to escort you back to the palace my parents are dying to see you" said Jungkook and Jimin nodded.

"So Jungkook-ah, how was training?" Asked Jimin while they both walked next to each other towards the big living room where everyone was waiting for the soon to be couple. "It was good, I learn new and interesting things. I feel a hundred percent capable of leading my Kingdom now... I feel happy and satisfied that I made my parents proud" said Jungkook with a small smile. "Although I really missed home" *and you* said Jungkook keeping the last bit just for his thoughts not wanting to make anything more awkward. "How about you Hyung? It's been long since we last saw each other" said Jungkook sounding more cheerful. "It's been fine" jimin shrugged his shoulders. "Tiering, but I feel like I've learn a lot... and just like you , I feel ready for whatever life throws at me" said Jimin with a proud smile. "Of course that mom and dad helped me a lot, our staff also taught me a lot. Even my brother tried to help me as much as possible" said Jimin with a small smile while looking down. Jungkook really felt like tugging his chin upwards and placing a small, soundful kiss on his hyung's plump lips . He blushed at his thoughts and looked away "A-ah I see. I'm glad you could make fun memories" said Jungkook and Jimin gifted him a small thank you!

Once they reached the living room it got filled by the voice of their parents saying how cute of a couple alpha and omega made, making said pair to blush. Jungkook's parents went ahead and started complementing Jimin on his good lucks and soft appearance. They all talked for a little longer until the guest withdrew to their respective rooms to rest until dinner.
Namjoon, Seokjin And Jungkook had their own rooms while Lisa and Jennie shared one as well as King and Queen Jeon. The rooms where big and cozy. But of course Jeon's room was right across from Jimin's. The pair couldn't sleep together yet but their parents wanted them as close as possible.

Right now Jimin was with Tae and Yoongi on his room, the trio getting ready for the dinner party tonight.
"Ugh Im so nervous. Did you see Jeon... he's gotten so manly and handsome. It difficult to control my wolf.... Ugh I can't believe I'm saying this embarrassing things" said Jimin while putting his clothes on and trying to hide the blush that was now tinting his cheeks. "We all knew you like him Jiminie, besides he will soon be your alpha and it's obvious that the pup likes you. I mean he looks at you like you hanged the stars and moon up in the sky, and everyone can see it, right Tae?" Said Yoongi brushing his hair. However he revived no reaction whatsoever from their best friend. In fact said omega was brushing his hair as well, but his mind was elsewhere and he kept brushing the same spot. "Tae?" Asked Jimin while waving his hand in front of his face. "What? sorry" said Tae snapping out of his day dream. "What's up with you?" Asked Yoongi while placing some diamond hair clips on his brushed hair. "Yeah you've been brushing the same lock of hair  over and over" said Jimin sitting next to Tae and getting the brush from his hand to finish brushing his friends hair. "I'm sorry... is just that...." Tae makes a long dramatic pause looking down at his nails. "Oh my god spitted out" said Yoongi turning away from the mirror and walking over toward his friends and placing some flower clips on Tae's hair. "I think I found my mate" said Tae in a small voice making both his best friends pause and look at each other, then at Tae, then back at each other and then proceed to yell loudly. "Omg Tae congratssss" said Yoongi hugging him. "Yeah Tae I hope you'll be very happy" said Jimin joining the hug. "Who is it?" Asked Jimin. "Is it an alpha or a beta?" Asked Yoongi. "His an alpha from the Haru Kingdom" said Tae with a blush. "I believe his one of the knights" continued Tae. "The one with the dimples, the girl, or the one with big lips?" Asked Yoongi "the one with ... b-big lips" said Tae by now his blush was all over his face not just his cheeks. "Oof thank god cause the girl seems like she's with Princess Jennie and the dimple knight smells mated." Said Jimin And Yoongi nodded. 

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