26; ...Mom?

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A Few Weeks Later..

"This is my favorite time of year," Olivia sighed with bliss as we made our way through the crowded mall.

"Because it's all about giving back?" I supplied.

"No! Because everything is on sale!" Olivia grinned.

"Right, of course." I shook my head, laughing to myself.

Christmas was only a week away, and today Olivia and I went to the mall to get some gifts for everyone.

My main concern was Jon's gift. I wanted it to be special, I mean it was our first Christmas together.

He told me he didn't need anything, but I Of course wasn't going to listen to him.

"Hey, what do you think of that kid, Rex?" Olivia brought up randomly as we browsed in a store.

"I don't think anything of him, I've only met him once." I shrug, "Why, you thinking about going for him?"

"I got him in my sights is all," She giggled. "I was talking to Grace about it and she said apparently he's bad news."

"Why?" I peered.

"Some stuff he did in the past, I'm not quite sure. But I guess him and Jacob are hanging out at the house tonight, so I'm gonna be sleeping over." She said.

"Uh..thanks for inviting yourself.." I sighed, "All so you can get in Rex's pants."

"Hey, I'll tell you ALLLL about it.." She winked, "Since out of the two of us, I'm the only one getting action."

"That was a low blow!" I gasped, smacking her arm playfully.

"All I'm saying is, what Jon doesn't know won't hurt him. One little hook up I'd doubt he'd find out about." She stated.

"That's not who I am, besides, trust works both ways in a relationship. I trust Jon, and he trusts me." I replied, as we stood in line to check out.

"I guess one of us has to be the slutty friend." She smirked.

"Or neither of us has to be." I suggested.

"Hmm.." She mulled it over, "Nah."

We both looked at each other and laughed.

- - -

I looked at Jon's neatly wrapped pair of wrestling boots proudly. After spending most of the night wrapping everyone's gifts, I had finally finished.

Olivia was lying on my bed, trying to eavesdrop on Rex and Jacob in his room.

"Why don't you just walk in there?" I questioned.

"There are rules to this thing Astrid," She pointed, "I can't let him know that I want us to hook up, he has to want me first."

"That's some weird logic.." I raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, it's worked for me so far." She winked. "Hey, I heard the door open! Act natural!"

She adjusted her top and sat on the edge of the bed, pretending to scroll through her phone.

I stood up and placed my gifts in the corner of my room, trying my hardest not to laugh at her. She was very determined, though.

"Hey guys, we're ordering pizza, do you want anything else?" Jacob poked his head in.

"I want meat lovers," Olivia stared right at Rex as she spoke.

I scrunched my nose up in disgust, "Cheese is fine for me, thanks."

A Dangerous Game •Jon Moxley•Where stories live. Discover now