28; Unexpected Friendships & Bad News

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Maybe I should've thought it through more.

Because now that I landed in Philly, I had no fucking clue where to go. I didn't even know where Jon lived!

Ellie had been sending me messages the whole time, including pictures of her at one of his shows. God when I get my hands on her...

I called an Uber and asked if he knew where Ring of Honor was being held tonight.

"Yeah of course. Place gets crowded as fuck." He chuckled, "You going there?"

"Yeah, and I wanna get there fast." I stated.

"Understood," He nodded, speeding up the car.

He dropped me off and I immediately headed in, paid the few bucks for a ticket, and then scanned the crowd for Ellie.

I found her sitting on the end seat, typing away on her phone. I slid in beside her, "What a coincidence seeing you here."

"Oh shit..Astrid, wow..this is a surprise.." Ellie's cheeks flushed red.

"It shouldn't be. I'm making sure you know your place. He's my man, go fly back to Matt." I snapped.

"Matt ended things with me!" She exclaimed, "Because he's still holding onto a chance of getting back with you, even if he'll never tell you himself!"

"Why are you getting mad at me?! I can't control how he feels!" I screamed.

She picked up her water bottle and dumped it on me, "Oopsie. Maybe I can ask Jon for a towel or something..there he is now!"

She pointed to the stage where Jon was now emerging. The crowd was shouting his name, holding posters, I had never seen it like this before.

It would've been a nice moment, if I wasn't drenched with water.

"Look here you little bitch, I am SICK and tired of you playing your little games with me." I growled, standing up to eye level with her.

She took off, starting to run around the crowd. I followed, chasing her just as fast. She suddenly hopped over the barricade, heading into the..ring?

Jon and his opponent were about to start fighting when Ellie jumped in the middle of them. "Help, a crazy fan is attacking me!"

Now all the attention was on me. Great.

I hopped over the barricade too, entering the ring to join them. Jon looked very..surprised to say the least. And pissed. Very very pissed.

"Astrid?! You didn't tell me you were coming here!" Jon scoffed, "What the hell is going on?"

"Ask Ellie." I crossed my arms expectantly.

"Someone's a little jealous and insecure about your relationship." Ellie shrugged, motioning to me. "That's all I know.."

Jon looked at me, "So you didn't even come out here to see ME, you came out here for some revenge fight with Ellie?!"

"I came to see you too! I just can't trust her Jon!" I defended.

He paced back and forth as the audience began to boo. "Both of you get outta the damn ring..NOW!"

"Trouble in paradise hm?" Ellie wiggled her eyebrows, chuckling to herself.

I bit my lip and instinctively pounced on her, punching her face as many times as I could. Jon quickly pulled me off her, but the crowd was cheering for me too. They didn't even know me I just think they were excited to see anyone fight.

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