It's A Start

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 Chapter 1

(I know it starts off slow but I promise all the BTR guys characters will start getting introduced very soon, enjoy! Please don’t judge my story based on my first chapter, it’s weak lol but i promise the story gets way better :D)

My day began as any other day, my alarm rang but I just hit the snooze button and fell back asleep. Like any other 18 year old I dreaded mornings with a passion but hated going to sleep at night. My life wasn’t easy to begin with though. I had such a hectic lifestyle. You see I’m a model, but not by choice.

All my life I had been told the same thing by strangers on the street, “You’re tall.”, “I want to be as thin as you.”” You should be a model.” Although they might’ve seemed like compliments, I never liked hearing them. I’d get so annoyed with people assuming I should be something just based on my looks. I wasn’t even that tall (currently 5’7, which still was considered short in the modeling industry). My dream was to be a Singer. I also had minor acting roles here and there but acting wasn’t my passion, it was more like a hobby. I decided to try the whole modeling thing out when I wasn’t getting any luck with landing a record deal. I needed to make money somehow. I live with my cousin Dustin who’s 22.

When I told my parents I wanted to pursue a career as a singer instead of going to college, they freaked out and forbid me from throwing my education away. I wasn’t going to let them stop me because I knew that college wasn’t for me. When I asked Dustin if I could move in he was hesitant at first, but then he gave in because he too knew what it was like wanting to chase after your dreams.

You see Dustin has a band with our neighbors the Schmidt’s (Kenneth, Kevin, and Kendall Schmidt) called “Otis Avenue” and they were desperately looking to get signed by a record label. The Schmidt brothers and I go way back to when I was an extra in a movie Kevin starred in a long time ago. Dustin came to set one day and just became fast friends with the Schmidts because of their love for playing guitar, I mostly hung out with Kendall on set since he was closest to my age and we’ve sorta been friends ever since. We’re not as close as we used to be though since we did eventually lose contact with each others families. We all were reconnected again when Dustin called up the guys and asked them about starting a band and they all decided to make the move to LA.

I’ve lived with Dustin for 2 months now, and we do tend to get on each others nerves sometimes. Dustin didn’t mind having me around either ways because I was able to provide for myself. I’d usually get paid well over $500 per shoot that I booked.

On this beautiful sunny morning i was awakended to the smell of pancakes that flew into my room. I heard my stomach growl at me and that’s when I knew it was a perfect time to get up. That and the fact that it was almost 10 am. I grabbed my slippers and made my way down stairs.

“Morning Dusty!” I said as enthusiastically as I could with my sleepy voice as i made my way to the kitchen counter.

“Good morning Rosie. I see you finally decided to wake up.”, he said laughing at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

Although he was my cousin, I always thought of Dustin as my brother since he had always been there for me whenever I needed him. I didn’t have any siblings so it was a nice feeling to know someone was looking out for me and willing to help me achieve my dreams.

“So what’s with all this food for breakfast?” I asked while starring at the stack of pancakes, surrounded by the most freshly picked out strawberries I had ever seen, set on a plate at the center of the counter.

“It’s for you silly! I can’t let you go to a casting on an empty stomach, they wont feed you well over there with all their diet crap and what not. I want to make sure you-”

“What!?” I cut him off just as I was going to take a bite out of my pancakes.

“What do you mean “what!”? He said. “Don’t tell me you forgot you had your audition for that perfume ad today at 12…?" he said with a disappointed look on his face.

“No! Of course not” I said nervously. Dustin and I had a deal that when I moved in I was supposed to be responsible and make sure I remembered all my appointments because he wasn’t going to get me out of any trouble I may or may not get into by forgetting important dates. I didn’t want to let him down in any way because he was already doing so much for me, the least I could do was bring in money for my expenses.

“I’m gonna go get ready!" I said as excited as I possibly could even though I wasn’t looking forward to the shoot at all.

I ran up to my room, took a shower, and then got dressed really quickly in a simple light blue top with black shorts and black flats. I blow dried my hair as quick as I could and put on some makeup before rushing out the door. Thankfully I had put gas in my car the day before and was good to go.

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