You Love Me?

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Chapter 23

I arrived outside my house to see through the window that Dustin and some of the guys were inside playing some video game. I didn't want to enter and have them question me as to why I was home already.

As I was thinking of where I'd be able to go without the keys to my car I looked up and saw that a light was on in Kendall's room. I didn't know whether that meant that he was in his room and not next door, or that he had just left his light on, but it couldn't hurt to find out.

I reached into my pocket for my cell phone only to find that it wasn't there. It must've fallen in James car. Great.

I searched for a small rock around their yard to toss it at his window instead. When I found one I gently tossed it at Kendall's window. I was hoping he didn't have any music on or else he wouldn't hear it. I grabbed another small rock and just as I threw it Kendall opened his window and the rock ended up hitting him in his eye.

"Oww!" Kendall shrieked as he touched his eye. He was bleeding a little under the eye.

"Oh my god, Kendall are you ok?!" I whisper yelled.

"I'm fine, why are you throwing rocks out my window? Shouldn't it be me doing that for you like Romeo and Juliet?" He said smiling.

"Are you sure you're ok, you're bleeding, let me come up." I said.

"Climb the vine," he said smirking; he was obviously still stuck on the whole Romeo and Juliet scenario.

"Kendall!" I said frustrated.

"I'll go unlock the door." He said.

When he came downstairs and opened the door I immediately went to his kitchen and grabbed some ice from his freezer and put it in a bag. I grabbed a towel to clean off the blood from his eye.

"Ouch, hey!" Kendall squirmed as I tried cleaning his wound.

I grabbed his face with my free hand. "Hold still, I'm almost done."

"Look I'm fine, just hand me the ice," he said. I handed him the ice and then we went to sit on the couch.

"So are you gonna tell me why you hit me in the face with a rock?" He said smirking.

"Kendall" I said annoyed but couldn't help but crack a smile.

"I'll stop, I promise," he said holding his hand up in the air. "Well why are you really here," he said.

I took a moment to answer him. I wasn't sure if I should tell him what went down with James since I didn't want any problems.

"Well things just got a little uncomfortable for me so I left."

"What do you mean by uncomfortable?" Kendall said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah uncomfortable like my personal space was being invaded..."

"Whoa whoa whoa, did he try anything funny with you?!" Kendall said as anger filled his voice.

"Kendall chill, ok." I said

"Chill? Chill?! You expect me to chill when all I can picture is that guy putting his hands on you!" Kendall exclaimed.

I tried hard to fight it but the tears came flooding quickly down my face.

"Hey now," Kendall said as he wiped the tears from my face and pulled me in for a hug "I'm not mad at you, I just care for you too much and just the thought of some guy trying to hurt you furiates me."

I knew what Kendall meant and I knew he didn't want to see me cry so I just held on to his hug until I felt like the tears were over.

"No more crying ok, screw James, you're safe and sound now," he said hugging me and then went to the kitchen to make some popcorn and asked me to choose a movie I'd like to watch from their movie shelf. I chose 21 Jump Street because I really just wanted to laugh more than anything.

Kendall came back with a bowl of popcorn and a blanket. He then headed back to the kitchen and brought a little candle and set it on their short living room table in front of us. I cuddled up next to him under the blanket and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on my head. During the movie Kendall and I were cracking up at all the things that came out of Jonah Hill's characters mouth. Kendall had told me he was one of his favorite actors and I could see why; he was hysterically good.

I loved the feeling of calmness and protection I got from just from being so close to Kendall. I wish that feeling would never have to go away but sadly it did. Towards the end of the movie we both heard voices outside the door. It was Kenneth and Kevin coming home. They couldn't know I was here or else they'd mention it to Dustin.

"Quick, run up to my room!" Kendall whisper yelled. I nodded and made my way quickly upstairs as I heard keys being put into the front door knob.

I wasn't able to close Kendall's room door because then they would've heard it so I just slowly pushed it closed enough that they wouldn't see me in there. As the guys entered I heard their conversation.

"Hey Kendall! Where are yo-oh what are you doing?" Kevin said as he looked at Kendall. I could understand Kevin's curiosity since Kendall was sitting on the couch covered in a blanket with a giant bowl of popcorn and a lighted candle in front of him. I couldn't help but giggle at how that must of looked to them.

"Oh hey guys, umm I'm just chillin' having a movie night all to myself." Kendall said.

"What's up with the candle?" Kenneth said as he pointed to it.

I could just picture Kendall's face trying to come up with an explanation to that.

"Oh, the candle, umm well cant I set the mood and have a nice peaceful movie night to myself Kenneth?!" Kendall said in an annoyed tone. He got up and blew out the candle and headed upstairs pretending to be mad at them and came to his room.

"Ok that was weird," Kevin said.

"Yeah he's got issues," Kenneth said. They both laughed it off and headed to the kitchen.

Kendall shut the door so that they wouldn't be able to hear me and we could talk.

"Sorry about that," Kendall said.

"Don't be, I'm the one who made you look like a weirdo in front of your own brothers." I said as I put my hands around his waist and tip toed to kiss him.

He leaned out of the kiss and said, "So you just think you can kiss me and it'll make me forgive you for making me look like a fool?"

"Hmm maybe," I said as I kissed him again.

"You're lucky that your kisses are my kryptonite." He said as he leaned down. His lips barely touched mine before he said, "I love you."

This was the first time I had ever heard Kendall say that he loved me. I know we had said it before to each other but not directly at each other, not like this. We were so close and I looked into his eyes. They had a twinkle in them and I knew he meant it. I could feel he meant it. As I stared into them I opened my mouth and said, "I love you too."

With that being said Kendall held me tightly and our lips met once again. As our hearts beat as one I just zoned out, my head felt disconnected from my body and before I knew it we were on his bed.

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