Not So Friendly Encounter

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Chapter 5

As I arrived at the venue nerves started to kick in, although I had gotten a bunch of side jobs in modeling, none of them could compare to an ad campaign, which meant I was going to be the face of this perfume for quite a long while. Although I didn’t want to be a model, this was a huge opportunity so I wasn’t going to blow it, this could actually help me get noticed and open up doors to hopefully landing a record deal with some label. Well, maybe not…but a girl can dream, right?

Upon entering the studio I had to check-in at the front desk and then was escorted to a room that looked like a business meeting type of boardroom, I took a seat and waited for further instructions. As I sat there waiting I heard voices coming from the room next door that got louder and so I peaked out the door to see what was going on. Outside of the door was a blonde girl complaining to someone about how she should’ve gotten the part for this campaign, she was so upset but was acting so unprofessional as well that I actually felt bad for her, that was up until she turned and I saw who it was, Katelyn Tarver. Thee Katelyn Tarver from that one Disney channel show she was the star of. I couldn’t believe how rude she was acting. Her eyes quickly caught my gaze and then she suddenly came inside the room.

“Who are you?” Katelyn said demandingly.

“I’m Rosie…”

“And why are you here?” She said very harshly

“I’m the girl they hired for the campaign.” I couldn’t help but smirk a little, you know just to annoy her for being such a jerk.

“They hired you over me?…” Katelyn said rolling her eyes at me and giving the guy she was talking to a dirty look before storming off all full of rage.

I couldn’t believe she would get so worked up over a silly campaign, sure it would get her more publicity, but she was pretty much already a huge icon for kids, I didn’t understand why she would want more buzz.

I went back to my seat and waited patiently, processing what had just happened. Had Katelyn Tarver really just gotten mad at me even though she didn’t know me? That was just crazy. While I was trying to forget what had just happened people started making their way into the boardroom.

In walked a guy who seemed to be 27 or so. He was rather good looking, very fit with gorgeous eyes. Overall he was very good looking and when he started to talk his voice was just how I’d expected it to sound, mysterious.

“Well good afternoon ladies and gentlemen; I’m Vera Bradley’s son, Ian Bradley. I’m so glad to have you all here today on this beautiful Friday evening” he said with a smirk on his face " As you can see we have a whole crew here willing to work so we better get started, alright well where are my two stars?"

Wait did he just say two? I wasn’t expecting to have to work with some stuck up model who thought the world revolved around her. Great, more joy for me, this day could seriously not get any worse.

I put my hand in the air but I didn’t see any other hand go up, and wondered why the other girl wasn’t here yet, that was just very unprofessional.

“Hhmm, it seems to me that one of our little models is running a bit late, well I guess we’ll just go set up the cameras, in the meantime, Rosie is it?” Ian Bradley said pointing at me.

“Yes” I said nervously.

“Might I have a word with you?”

“Sure” I didn’t know how else to respond to this guy other than just giving him one word responses. He just seemed so perfect and intimidating.

“Well its about this campaign, I know there’s a lot of pressure and all but well I’ve had a lot girls who really wanted this part, we’ve been scouting for quite a while but you just really stood out from the rest, you didn’t seem too over confident, and I liked that. Confidence is great but in this business I don’t want to work with some arrogant diva, so well…what I guess I’m trying to say is, welcome.” He said with a smile, “Here at Vera Bradley’s we hold the utmost respect for our workers and models so if any problems arise feel free to talk to me, okay.”

“Yeah I will, and thank you so much for this great opportunity, you won’t regret it, I promise.” I said as confident as I could get the words to come out of my words.

“Alright, well I guess we better get you to your room so you can go get dressed and then we’ll introduce you to your other half James.”


“Yeah, he’s gonna be your boyfriend for this shoot. Is that going to be a problem?” Ian asked.

“No! Not at all. I just haven’t been told much about this campaign, that’s all, but I can assure you that there will be no problem.” I said.

“Great so let’s go!” He said as he led the way to my dressing room.

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