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Chapter 18

I ended up waking up to the sound of the birds chirping all over, it was really something new and so peaceful to hear, especially since I lived in the city. Waking up next to Kendall and having him hold me was such an amazing feeling that I didn’t want to get up or wake him but then I looked up at his face and he was wide awake just starring at me.

“Good morning” he said

I smiled and said “Good morning Kendork” as I yawned.

“How’d you sleep?” He asked

“Great, and you?” I asked

“Like a baby.” He said

“What time is it?” I asked

“9:45.” He said

“9:45? Why didn’t you wake me up then? By the time we get back home it’ll be past 10!” I exclaimed.

“Sorry, you just looked so comfortable sleeping that I didn’t want to wake you.” He said smiling.

“Oh, well thanks I guess.” I said feeling my blood rush up to my cheeks. I was blushing, which was weird because I never blushed, well hardly ever.

“Umm so I guess we should get going now right?” I said. And with that being said we both got up.

“Yeah, but before we do…” Kendall said and then reached into his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife.

“What are you doing?” I said wondering what the heck he was going to do with that knife.

“Well I thought it’d be great to leave a little memory of our visit, don’t you think?” He said with that same old smirk of his.

“Well sure that sounds cool, but like what?” I asked.

“Like maybe something like this.” He said as he went up to door opening of the tree house and carved above it “Kendall and Rosie’s secret place” and then in small print he carved the date August 28th 2012.

“What do you think?” Kendall said.

“I think it’s great, it’s like saying this is our little secret getaway from the world.” I said as I bit my lip trying so hard to stop myself from smiling.

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I was going for.” Kendall said.

“Thank you Kendall, really, thank you so much for doing all this for me…” I said as I went up to him and gave him a hug.

While we were still embraced Kendall said “What do you mean by that?" and I leaned back to look him in the eyes while still in each others arms.

“You’re the only one who’s actually been there for me through everything that’s come up this past week, thank you so much for listening to my rants.” I said.

“Ha-ha they’re not rants, and I’ll always be there for you, I thought you would’ve known that by now.” He said.

“Yeah I guess I should’ve…” I said as our eye contact was suddenly broken when I noticed Kendall look at my lips and then back to my eyes. I did the same before we both leaned in slowly. As his lips finally met mine all I could think of how much I had pictured kissing Kendall before when I was little, and now that it was finally happening I couldn’t believe it. His lips were so soft and warm and having him this close was a feeling I never wanted to lose, but unfortunately the kissing had to stop once Kendall’s phone rang.

We both backed away from each other. “I’m sorry.” He said as he grabbed his phone.

“Don’t worry about it; we can call it even now.” I said even though I was still losing that game by one phone call.

As Kendall answered his phone call I picked up the blanket, bat, and his jacket because I knew we would be leaving right after.

Once Kendall hung up his phone he said that it was Kenneth. Apparently Dustin wanted to know where we were and Kendall refused to say where since it was our secret place. All Kendall said was that Dustin was furious about me leaving the house and not coming home last night. He was also apparently even more furious about how the pictures of me and James came out, which made me wonder; could they really be that steamy?

“Time to go?” I said with a disappointedly.

“It’s not like we have any other choice.” He said.

“Yeah I know. Well I sure am ready to be yelled at, how about you?” I said laughing as we made our way down the ladder. Kendall went first and then me. I was carrying the blanket and it got stuck to a part of the ladder thus causing me to slip, but thankfully Kendall was there to catch me.

“Whoa, well that was a close one.” I said out of breath from the fear of falling to the ground.

“Don’t worry, I’ll always catch you when you fall, I am Spiderman after all remember.” He said with a huge smile on his face.

“Ha-ha, yeah I guess you are…for now.” I said smiling back at him.

“For now?” He asked cutely confused but obviously he was just playing around. I playfully pretended to hit him in the face to make him snap out of it and we headed off to his car arm in arm.

Rush (A Big Time Rush inspired drama)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें