Say What?!

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Chapter 11

I decided since they wanted me there so early that the only reasonable thing to do was to go to bed early, so any plans of seeing Kendall today went completely down the drain.

Upon entering the house Dustin was no where to be found so I assumed he was either next door at band practice. I wasn’t going to wait up for him so I decided to just head straight to bed.

The next morning as I woke up I went straight to showering and got ready for my meeting with Vera Bradleys. I really wished they could’ve at least told me what it was for so that I could at least be mentally prepared for it.

When I went downstairs Dustin wasn’t there so I assumed that he was still sleeping since I did wake up early for today’s meeting. I just decided to leave him a note so he wouldn’t worry about me and left straight to the venue.

I got there a bit early so to kill time I went walking through the halls to look at all of their old ads from other campaigns, they were all so pretty and the people looked flawless, obviously they were all photo shopped because no one could ever be that perfect.

As I was on my way back James walked in through the front door.

“Hey look it’s my Juliet” he said playfully while holding his arms out for hug.

“Hey Romeo” I said smiling and received his hug with open arms.

“So how’ve you been? It’s been a whole day since I last spoke to you.”

“I’ve been good, and you?” I said

“The same.” He said

“Great” I said.

“So what do you think this whole meeting’s about.” He asked

“I don’t know, maybe they want to fire us already.” I said laughing

“Ha-ha yeah, we probably sucked, I mean the photographer didn’t really give us much direction, heck he didn’t even look happy.”

“Hey! I was kidding ha-ha” I said with a shocked look.

“Ha-ha well that’s what I noticed.” He said laughing

“Yeah me too, yikes, well it was nice knowing you.” I said smiling

“Same here ha-ha, but I don’t want to stop seeing you.” He said seriously.

“Well we’re going to Carlos’s show tonight…remember?” I said noticing his gaze hadn’t left mine at all for a second.

“Yeah but that’s not what I-” James had started to say before he was cut off.

“Hey you guys, Mr. Ian Bradley would like to see you now.” An employee at the company said so James and I headed off to the conference room.

We entered and were seated across from each other. There were at least 10 other people in the room with us including a girl who I recognized that helped me get into my dress for Fridays photo shoot. I think her name was Malese but I really couldn’t remember.

“So James and Rosie, the reason why we called you here today was because the photos you guys took were really great, you guys were truly believable as a couple. With that being said we have a proposition for the both of you…well before I tell you let me just show you guys your pictures.” Ian Bradley said.

Ian put the photos on display on a slide show. I couldn’t believe how good they looked, I looked flawless, thanks to photo shop of course. James looked pretty much the same since he was practically already close to being flawless. I was really proud of them up until I saw the picture of us kissing. It just made me feel a little worried about how close we looked and all I could think about was, what would Dustin think? I was pretty sure he wouldn’t be too happy about them.

“Alright well the proposition is this, these ads for “Promise” will be coming out tomorrow and from our studies we’ve come to see that people like to see real life couples represent these sorts of campaigns. So what I’m trying to say is…would you two be willing to pretend to be a couple for at least a month for now to help promote the campaign?"

Character Fact Sheet:

ROSIE: (18) Current model, aspiring singer, currently conflicted with her love life

DUSTIN: (22) your cousin, you live with him, he wants nothing but the best for you, very protective, long time friends with the Schmidt’s and Carlos, has a band with the Schmidt’s called “Otis Street” , he possibly loves Erin

NICK: (19) ex-boyfriend, you loved him so much but he obviously didn’t seem to care at all

KENDALL: (19) Neighbor, long time friends, great friends, goofy/charming, aspiring singer, has a band with his brothers and Dustin called “Otis Street”, has multiple side jobs

JAMES: (19) Nice, handsome model, roommates with Carlos

LOGAN: (20) Aspiring actor, Katelyn’s step brother, sweet overall guy

CARLOS: (20) funny, sweet, aspiring actor on Broadway, close friends with James and Dustin, roommates with James

KEVIN: (21) neighbor, Kendall’s older brother, you worked with him before in a movie and met the Schmidt’s through him.

KENNETH: (23) neighbor, Kendall’s oldest brother (not mentioned much)

ERIN: (18) your best friend, not into the whole show business scene, has had a crush on Dustin for quite a while

KATELYN: (19) Famous actress, spoiled rotten

MALESE: (19) Long time friend with Carlos, interested in fashion designing, she’s been at your photo shoots before

IAN BRADLEY: (27) smooth Hollywood talent agent. Vera Bradley’s son

VERA BRADLEY: the lady who gave you your first major break in show business

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