The Witch Has A Brother?

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Chapter 10

As I finally got some breakfast and lunch in me, I watched at how awkwardly silent it was between all 3 of us so I decided to go to the mall, Erin decided she wanted to tag along. While we were in the car Erin wasn’t as talkative as usual.

“So what were you really doing Thursday night?” I said

“What?” She said with a puzzled look on her face.

“You know what I mean” I said with a smirk on my face.

“I-I-was” she said nervously.

“Erin cut with the crap already. I know something’s going on between you and Dustin, don’t lie to me.” I said smiling. Although I wasn’t too fond of the idea of them being together, I wasn’t against it either.

“Ok, ok, were we really that obvious?” She asked.

“Oh, no, not at all” I said sarcastically.

She laughed and playfully punched my shoulder.

“So now that you know I know no more secrets okay. We’re supposed to be BFFs.”

“You got it” she said smiling.

We quickly arrived at the mall and decided to go straight to shoe shopping. Although neither Erin nor I were shoe addicts we were in need of some comfy boots since fall was just around the corner.

“So what color are you gonna get?” I asked Erin

“I don’t know, maybe the blue, or burgundy, can’t choose…” Erin said while holding the shoes out for me to give her a suggestion.

“I think the burgundy would look better on you since you’re pale, it’ll make you look all vampire-y.” At that instant Erin gave me a look that I knew meant for me to shut up.

“Ha-ha I’m just kidding, but seriously they look nice and mesh with your skin tone.”

“Alright, burgundy it is!” Erin said.

Just as we were turning the aisle and heading to the register Erin and I accidently collided with some guy who was carrying a bunch of boxes of shoes.

“Oh I’m sooo sorry.” The guy said.

Just as we got up off the floor we got a better look at him, he looked familiar but I just couldn’t remember where I had seen him before.

“Don’t be, we were the ones who weren’t paying attention.” Erin said to him with a huge grin on her face.

“No well I should’ve made more noise to let you ladies know I was coming by.” He said starring at her and only her.

“Well that wouldn’t have helped since the music in the store is very loud. It truly was all our fault.” Erin said

Oy-vey, this was so sad. I felt as if though I were watching two love sick puppies make complete fools of themselves in public.

“Well I still shouldn’t have carried all these shoes in just one trip. It’s apparently very dangerous ha-ha.” He said

“That was so brave of you, how wer-” I cut Erin off because this was just getting ridiculous.

“So stranger, what’s your name?” I said.

“I’m Logan, and you two are?” He said

“I’m Rosie and this is Erin” I said pointing to her.

I couldn’t help but smile since they were obviously into each other.

“Well I’d hate budding in on you this magical meeting but why were you carrying so many shoes, you obviously don’t look like a size 7…” I said while holding one of the shoes he had dropped.

“Oh ha-ha they’re not for me, they’re for my sister.” He said

“Oh so you treat your sister like royalty? Wow, I wonder how I can get my cousin to do that for me” I said laughing.

“Well I don’t do it out of love, more like money. I currently have no income so she offered to pay me if I helped her with some of her errands.” He said shrugging.

“Oh, wow she must be very important if she has money to just give around and is in need of assistance.” I said.

Just as he was about to answer me a girl called for Logan from afar. Her voice sounded so familiar but I just couldn’t seem to remember from where I had heard it. That was, up until she came looking for Logan and called for him to hurry up. I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was Katelyn.

“Katelyn Tarver’s your sister?” Erin asked surprisingly.

“You’re related to that?” I said trying not to sound rude but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t at all convincing.

“Well not blood related. Her dad married my mom, so yeah Katelyn’s my step sister.”

“Wow” I said. That’s all I could think of saying but what I wished I could’ve said was “How do you survive?!” or “Does your mom not love you???”

“Well look at the time, wow it’s almost dinner.” I said.

“But you just had breakfast and lun-” I tugged Erin down so she’d stop talking.

“Well sorry Logan, we got to go, but it was nice meeting you.” I said as I pulled Erin with me.

“It was…a…nice…to meet you Logan! Bye!” Erin yelled as we quickly rushed out the door and got out of his view.

“What was up with that?” She said

“What was up with what? I wouldn’t be the one asking questions here. I could ask you the same thing.” I said

“What did I do?” She said confused.

“Seriously?” I said “Let me remind you “oh Logan you were so brave to carry all those shoe boxes by yourself, kiss me!” I said as I made an over exaggerated impression of Erin.

“I never asked him to kiss me!” She said smiling.

“Oh come on you were practically throwing yourself at him.” I said smirking

“Ah…well…what about you? Let me see ""that thing is your sister? That…that…that!" She said smirking back at me.

“Well if you had met her the way I did you’d understand. She was such a jerk to me when I got the campaign at Vera Bradleys and she didn’t.” I said

“Wow, really? She’s secretly evil?”

“Yeah, and you’d know that if you were hanging out with me more than you were sneaking around with Dustin, who by the way I thought you loved?” I said

“Dustin and I aren’t official or anything, we’ve just been enjoying each others company, and even if I did like him I don’t think he likes me the same way since he hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend or anything.” She said.

“Well whatever happens know that I’m here to listen to anything you have to say, as long as it doesn’t involve my cousin ha-ha.” I said

“Alright” she said smiling and we hugged before heading off to get some dinner.

When I got home from eating dinner with Erin I noticed I had a voicemail, it was an employee at Vera Bradleys and they wanted to talk with me and James tomorrow morning. Apparently our pictures were great but yet something in the sound of their voice made me feel concerned.

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