Let Me Love You

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Chapter 22

"Rosie!" Kendall yelled as he tried to get me to stop and wait for him to talk, but I didn’t feel like talking so I just kept walking. Kendall reached me within seconds and pulled me close to him.

"Hey, babe are you ok?" He said.

"I'm fine, I really am. I just needed some air...," I said.

"No you're not, otherwise you would've stop walking when I asked you to...you sure you don’t want to talk about it?" As much as I didn’t feel like speaking to anyone at the moment I figured I’d feel a lot better sorting things out with someone and that someone being my boyfriend would be even better.

"Ok, well I guess I do have some explaining to do to you and James. You see, I was supposed to have bid on James and won him for a date so that we'd get our pictures taken and they'd come in handy for James and I once the campaign made it's way to a worldwide commercial and all. The problem is I bid on you as well with the money Vera Bradleys gave me to bid on James. Then I took money from Nathan from The Wanted to be able to still bid on James, and now I have dates with the both of you and I’m pretty sure when the people at Vera's find out about this I’m going to be fired or worse." I finished and caught my breathe.

Kendall just looked at me astounded. I noticed he looked a bit confused but he managed to say some words of encouragement as he gave me a big warm hug.

"Boo, everything will be alright, you don’t have to go on a date with me, your boyfriend, who loves you so much, if you don’t want to," he said joking. There he went again making me laugh when I clearly didn’t want to be, but I loved him for that. I was also liking him calling me babe and boo too.

"Hey now, you know I love you and we'll be going on many dates so shut up Kendork," I said playfully and he held me tighter and leaned in close.

"I'll shut up with pleasure," he whispered as he gently kissed me. I loved how cheesy Kendall could be, which girl wouldn’t want a little romance in their life.

*2 days later*

I woke up Friday morning in a cheerfully good mood. Today I was going to go enjoy a fun day of rehearsing with the guys since Kendall said they would let me practice with them incase I needed an opinion on my performance.

The past two days were a bit interesting to say the least. After I explained to James about the whole auction fiasco he seemed to be more understanding of my love for Kendall and my friendship with himself. We did however need to go on that date I won with him so that we could get our pictures taken, so we agreed to go later today.

I even found out why Logan looked so familiar, he was in that Jumbaco commercial for Jack in the Box. No wonder he decided on taking Erin there, he'd probably had wasted a lot of money on her shoes so he probably had a hook up at Jacks for half off if not free food. Erin told me she had fun and that Logan had invited her to go bowling on Sunday. Kendall and I were also invited, so it would kind of be like a double date.

Then there's Dustin...well lets just say Erin hasn’t told him about Logan and her dating. Dustin considers Logan as a new friend so he finds it normal that they're talking. Dustin never did tell Erin what they were according to their relationship status so Erin has every right to see someone else.

As it was 4:00pm I headed off next door to get the guy’s opinion on my cover of Thinkin' Bout You by FrankOcean. I felt so confident with it and was excited to get someone else’s opinion other than just Dustin.

Heading out next door I saw Logan and Carlos were there with the guys. I was glad they all were getting along.

As I arrived I heard them doing a cover of Mario’s Let Me Love You, which was one of my favorite songs ever. I decided to listen in until they finished and then came up to say hi.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey Rosie!" They all said.

"So are you guys ready to hear me? Or should I wait a second?"

"No, we're ready, we were just singing for fun, let’s hear you," Kendall said.

"Go for it," Kenneth said.

"Alright," I said as I made my way to the mic. "Well I decided to cover Thinkin' Bout You."

"Oh some FrankOcean, he's my favorite." Carlos said.

"Mine too," Kendall and Logan said.

"Mind if we help you?" Kendall and Logan asked.

"Umm sure I guess," I said a bit confused by their offer.

"Alright," Kendall said grabbing his guitar,” whenever you're ready."

"Ready," I said. Kendall started strumming away and Logan started beat boxing which I thought was so cool. I then began to sing:

            A tornado flew around my room before you came, excuse the mess it made, it usually         doesn’t rain in, southern California much like Arizona, my eyes don’t shed tears but boo     they ball, when I’m thinkin bout you...

I kept on singing for 3 more minutes until I had sung the whole song.

"That was awesome!" I said as soon as we finished,” You guys were amazing."

"Us amazing? When you went higher towards the end I got goose bumps" Kendall said. "You're incredible." He said.

"Aww," I said as I went up to him to give him a quick kiss but then quickly stopped myself because I remembered that none of the guys knew Kendall and I were together, nor could they know because I was supposed to be with James. "Thanks," was all I said and then composed myself.

"So I guess I better get going, I’ve got a date with James to get to," I said.

They said bye to me and with that I left to get ready. It was a pretty warm day so I decided to wear shorts and a cute flowy white tank top with a light blue colored cardigan. I let my hair air dry to my natural curls, put on a little make up and was ready to go.

I had told James that I’d meet him at Yogurtland just 3 blocks from my house at 7:00pm to avoid anymore awkward confrontations with the guys.

As I waited at Yogurtland I saw James’s car pull up into the back of the parking lot so I went outside to meet him.

"Hey," I said upon entering the vehicle.

"Hey Rosie," James said.

As James sat there just staring at me I couldn’t help but ignore the fact that he smelled of alcohol.

"James...have you been drinking?" I asked curiously.

"Well just a little...but I’m fine really," he said. I could tell he was out of it and really not in a good position to be driving.

I reached for James keys in the ignition. "Look James why don’t I drive you hom-"

"Shhh," he said as he grabbed my head in his arms and kissed me. He stuck his tongue in my mouth, which tasted of liquor. I tried to get free from his hold but he unbuckled his seat belt and just pushed me back in my seat. He got on top of me and I couldn’t get him off since he was bigger than me in weight and height obviously.

"James! Get off of me! Ja-" I yelled at him. I was trying so hard to make him stop. He kept kissing me and I could feel his left hand moving under my shirt.

"James! Stop it!" I managed to yell out between his kiss but he put his hand over my mouth.

"Shhh, babe don’t ruin a moment," he said as I saw his other hand reach for his belt. I knew what situation I was in and my only hope of getting away was by doing what every women safety video had taught girls: knee them where it hurts.

I managed to lift my knee up just enough to hit him and once he was moping from the pain I made my escape. I ended up running straight home and never looked back at James. I don’t care if he was drunk; he tried to have sex with me, unwanted sex...better known as rape. There was no way I was ever going to forgive him this time.

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