Those Green Eyes

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Chapter 2

As I arrived at the venue for my audition I became nervous as always because I just hated being crucially judged. These talent managers were very demanding on what they wanted to see. The only thing I hate worse than talent managers was the other models. Majority of them were stuck up and two faced. I swear they’d throw you under a bus the second they could.

I was put in a room with three other girls. “Great”, I thought. They were all blonde and blue eyed, every casting agents dream. How on earth was I supposed to compete with my brunette hair and brown eyes?

“Rosa Martinez” my name was called in first, as I stood up I could feel the cold stares the other girls were giving me and I could hear them giggle. Uggh. The usual. I was so caught up on being on time for the audition that I remembered that I hadn’t eaten breakfast. While I was being evaluated I could hear my stomach growling the whole time. They obviously could hear it and would give me weird looks. It was so embarrassing and unprofessional. Thankfully I was dismissed not long after. I knew they didn’t like me so I wasn’t going to hold it against.


Right then and there I heard my cell phone beep and I saw I got a text from my boyfriend Nick. Nick was a struggling artist too. I met him at a talent competition a local news station was holding, over 1,000 acts were auditioning and we didn’t make the cut. We did bond however and we've  inseparable ever since. One day he asked me to be his girlfriend and I couldn’t resist and said yes. He was the perfect guy; we had the same likes and dislikes.

“Hey…can we meet up later?” his message said.

“Sure! :)” I sent back and we made plans to go grab a bite to eat at The Grove’s (local shopping plaza) food court later tonight.

I was so excited to see Nick because he had recently been talking to a man at Epic Records who said that they were considering in giving him a shot at recording a demo CD. Maybe he had great news spill.

*later that day*

Dustin had to borrow my car tonight to go to one of his friends shows at the Hollywood Bowl so I ended up having to walk to The Grove (which was like 7 blocks away) It was 7:30, I went to La Piazza, an Italian pizza parlor at The Grove and found a perfect spot right next to the window to wait for Nick to show up.

As I waited Kendall passed by and waved at me from the outside of the parlor, I smiled and waved back and watched as he made his way inside.

“Hey Rosie. What are you doing here by yourself?” he said flashing me a smile.

“Just waiting for Nick. What are you doing walking here all alone?” I said giving him the same look he gave me.

He smiled and said “Just heading off to an interview at this restaurant down the street, I’m hoping they’ll hire me as their local artist of the month, that way I’ll be doing what I love and making some money at the same time.”

“So I’m guessing that means Otis Avenue hasn’t gotten any luck yet...” I said with a bummed out look.

“Nope” he sighed.

“Well I’m sure something will come up very soon, and if it doesn’t there are always a lot of stores willing to hire cute, tall, blonde guys like you” I said laughing.

“Har, har, har” he said sarcastically with a smile. As he smiled his dimples showed. I remember when I was younger I’d always liked that about Kendall, no matter how hard things could get he’d always seem to smile.

“Well looks like I better get going or else I’ll be late ha-ha” he said.

“Yup, you should. I guess I’ll see you around tomorrow.” I said.

“Yup, goodnight” he said and gave me a hug, it was a bit awkward since this was like the most talking we had done since I moved out here, and I hadn’t hugged him since we were toddlers. But it was nice.

“Goodnight” I said smiling until he was out of sight.

I sat there waiting a couple of minutes until I checked my phone, it was 8:20 and I had a voice mail from Nick.

I played it…“Hey babe, I’m gonna be a little late, but I’ll be there at 8:30 for sure, alright, bye!”

I figured he’d get here soon so I waited some more, in the mean time I decided to text my best friend Erin.

“Hey girl!” I sent

*20 minutes later*

I still hadn’t gotten a response from Erin, which was weird since she was practically glued to her phone. Nick was obviously not coming since it was 8:40 and I didn’t feel like waiting anymore, so I left. I checked my Facebook while walking and saw a picture that Nick was tagged in with a group of friends drinking, the date said today and I was hurt. I couldn’t believe he had just ditched me like that. As my eyes started to get watery I heard a car pull up behind me and freaked out, I was being followed. I should’ve called someone to pick me up instead of walking in the dark all alone. How stupid could I be? But right then and there I heard a familiar voice call out from the car.

“Rosie! Is that you?” I turned to see Kendall sticking his head out his car window.

“Yeah. It’s me”, I said drying off the tears from my eyes.

“Hop in, I’ll give you a ride home.” he said.

I didn’t hesitate since it was pitch black outside. Just as I got in Kendall noticed I had been crying.

“What’s wrong?” He said with a caring look on his face.

“Nothing. I’m just allergic to the wind” I lied but he dropped the subject and put some music on. We got home within minutes.

“Thanks” I said with tear filled eyes and a fake smile. As I started getting out Kendall grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

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