Unwanted Big Brother

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Chapter 19

On the car ride home things were pretty peaceful. Kendall did however have to bring up the James situation.

"So what's going to happen with your "relationship" with James?" He said.

"What do you mean what's going to happen?" I asked.

"Well...I mean aren't we...kind've like...together now?" He said sounding a bit unsure.

"Yeah, I guess so" I said smiling at him," but my fake relationship with James cant just disappear, him and I are under contract to "be together" for as long as this ad campaign lasts."

"Yeah I guess there's nothing we can do about that" he said,"I gotta admit though, I was a little upset when I saw you kiss James at Carlos' show." He said.

"I didn't kiss him, he kissed me." I said giggling at the thought of Kendall being jealous.

"Hmm...well either ways I don't know if I'll ever be comfortable sharing you with some other guy." He said.

"Hey now I don't make the rules ha-ha" I said.

"I know." He said shrugging but then I quickly kissed him on the cheek to turn his frown upside down.

"There's that dimpled smile I love." I said smiling as Kendall tried to kiss me but I didn't let him.

"Eyes on the road mister." I said laughing.

When we finally got home I saw Dustin standing on our porch.

"Bye! I'll talk to you later ok, now run! He's coming!" I whisper-yelled to Kendall as I saw Dustin approaching. He was too late however. Dustin came up to us quicker than a dog chasing a mailman.

"Well, well, well, glad to see both of your faces again." He said with a stern look on his face.

As he continued to rant on about how upset he was I just moved past him and went straight on inside the house, Dustin followed me and grabbed my arm as soon as I was going to make my way up the stairs to my room.

"Rosie we need to talk!" He yelled at me.

"We need to talk?" I said sarcastically in a shocked tone. "More like you need to talk!"

"Ok, look I knew what Erin and I did is uncalled for but I'm not talking about that, you had no right to leave this house without telling me where you were going!" He yelled

"Well if you want me to be honest then the least you can do is tell me you're in love with my best friend first so I wont have to catch you in bed with her!" I yelled back.

"Look my love life is none of your business and I don't love Erin like that ok. We were just messing around. I have a right to know where you are at all times because I'm responsible for you...and don't get me started on those pictures!" He exclaimed

"What?" I was confused

"What?!" He asked

"I have no right to know who you're dating but yet you have to know every single little detail about my life?!" I said

"Yes I do have that right!" He said

I began to rush up the stairs but he stopped me.

"Look you're my little cousin, practically my little sister, I'm not trying to be a bad guy here but you're leaving me no choice." He said

"Dustin, I didn't do anything wrong, the night I left I went to Carlos and James apartment to spend the night." I said

"Yeah and Carlos told me that he found you and a shirtless James making out on his couch...want to explain that."

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