To Party, Or Not To Party?

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Chapter 29

As Kendall drove up the street to Logan and Katelyn's house I was left in pure disbelief; it was huge. I had never been to their house, not even when Kendall went to just hang out with Logan. They were such great friends that I decided it'd be best to just let them have their guy time. Well that and I just really didn't want to see Katelyn at the time. I felt like me and her just needed some space and distance from eachother for a while to be able to just clear the air.

Kendall found a parking spot a bit far from the house since Katelyn probably invited all her celebrity friends and what not.

Once we entered the party seemed to be a hit. Everyone was dancing and having fun. Then Erin, who was dressed as Nancy Drew, spotted us and came rushing our way.

"Hey you guys!" She said as she gave Kendall and I a hug.

"Hey Erin," Kendall said.

"Hey girl. I love your oufit, we kind've look alike," i said since we both had blonde wigs and sort of smart school girl outfits.

"Hey, well would you look at that. Who knew Gwen Stacy and Nancy Drew could be sisters?" She said jokingly.

As we were laughing we heard a glass break and noticed that this group of guys were causing chaos near the expensive china Kateltn's family had.

"Yeah haha. So umm who invited those jerks?" I said.

"I have no idea. They're probably some of Katelyn's rich friends." Erin said.

"Makes sense I guess, so is there anything to drink around here I'm kind've thirsty." I said.

"Yeah, there's punch in the kitchen. I'll go with you." She said.

"Thanks," I said. I told Kendall I'd be right back and we headed off to get some punch.

As I was about to serve myself Katelyn came over and knocked the plastic cup out of my hand.

"Hey! What's your problem?" I echoed.

"Don't drink the punch." Katelyn said.

"Why not?" I said.

"This douchebag ex-boyfriend of mine decided to crash the party and spiked the punch."

"Oh, umm thanks." I said.

Katelyn just knodded her head and walked away.

Just as Erin and I were going to head back to the party I saw Kendall signal to me from afar. He pointed at the stairs and then pointed at his watch and mouthed "10 mins" to me and then headed upstairs. He meant that I should go meet him in 10 minutes from now. I didn't know what exactly he had in mind but I knew whatever it was, it would be big. That made me nervous, so nervous that I decided on drinking some of the punch just to losen me up a bit. As I was about to pour myself a drink I heard a scream. I looked over to the main room to see that Katelyn had been shoved into her own birthday cake.

"Dave!" Katelyn yelled. That obviously meant he had something to do with her ending up in her cake.

I couldn't help but feel bad for her because people were laughing at her. She then ran off to the other set of stairs on the other side of the house all the way to what appeared to be her room by the decorations on the door. Erin decided to go see if Logan was even here since no one seemed to have ever seen him. She wanted to tell him about Dave and what had just happened to Katelyn.

While Erin did that I checked the time and noticed that I was running late on my little meeting with Kendall so without hesitation I poured myself a full cup of punch and finished it all before heading up.

I went upstairs but there were so many doors that I just couldn't seem to find Kendall. I did end up finding other couples in compromising positions which was plain awkward.

I tried the last door in the hall and I saw my Spiderman laying down on the bed and he seemed to be pretending to sleep.

"Oh Spidey," I said as I went to go cuddle next to him. Kendall jumped at my reaction.

"What? Did I just scare Spiderman?"

Kendall shook his head and then quickly sat up so I sat on his lap. I could feel my self drifting away. Whatever had been put in that punch obviously was just beer.

I then lifted Kendall's mask and gently kissed him, savoring the nice feeling before I let him tell me what he wanted to talk about, or do. Just as I was about to remove my lips from his, he quickly turned me over and he got on top of me. I removed his mask and caressed his hair as our lips never lost contact for more than a milisecond. What came next seemed to just happen so fast, it was all pretty much a blur. All I remember is connecting very well with Kendall. It was as if we were meant to be for eachother. Everything about my first time seemed flawless, minus the fact that I was a bit drunk.

-The Morning After-

The morning sun peering through the curtain was the first thing that woke me up.

As I began to open my eyes I could just hear the birds chirping and the crickets fading ever so pleasantly.

I turned over to see Kendall, because this was the third time I woke up next to him and he always looks cute when he's sleeping. His head was in between the pillows and I couldn't see his face so I decided to turn his head so I could give him a good morning kiss and was shocked to see Logan.

"Logan?!" I screamed as I scooted away from him. I couldn't believe it. Had my first time really been with Logan, my boyfriend's best friend. I really couldn't believe it. I really must've been drunk last night and mistook Logan in someway for Kendall. Well in my defense he was wearing a Spiderman costume and they weren't that far off in height, both were taller than me.

Logan started to move and that was when I grabbed my clothes, quickly dressed and headed out his room.

Upon rushing down the stairs, Katelyn popped out of no where. She seemed a bit shocked to see me but then her face went blank as she saw how I looked and a small look of concern crossed her face.

"You drank the punch didnt you?" She said with an expressionless face.

"Look I really should get going." I told Katelyn and moved past her and out went straight out of their house.

Rush (A Big Time Rush inspired drama)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora