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Chapter 9

I couldn’t believe Nick just decided to end it with me through text, he didn’t even try to salvage our relationship which made my heart hurt even worse, I just felt as if he never really cared about me.

As the tears came flowing down my face all I could think about was how stupid I could be to care so much for a guy who didn’t even seem to care for me. At that moment I just decided that I needed to talk to someone so I grabbed my phone and called Kendall.

“Hello, who’s this?”

“It's Rosie” I said.

“Oh, hey! How’d you get my number? Oh wait dumb question; you got it from Dustin right?”

“Yeah” I said sniffling

“Hey are you okay, is something wrong? It sounds like you’re crying.”

“Nick broke up with me.” I said flat out. “Look I know you probably don’t want to listen to me crying or anything so I’ll just go, it was a bad idea anyways-”

“No no no, it wasn’t a bad idea at all. I told you if you ever needed someone to talk to I’m here, so tell me, what happened?”

“Well Nick dumped me through text…”

“Through text message? What? He didn’t have enough guts to tell you himself?”

“I guess he just didn’t want to hear me.” I said.

“Please don’t cry. You don’t deserve to cry, he should be the one crying because he just missed out on a great girl.”

His words made me smile briefly.” How do you do it?"

“Do what?” He said

“How do you always manage to make me smile, especially during a tough time?” I said while sniffling.

“I don’t know” he said. I could sense that he was smiling at my comment and that made me smile more.

“Well I don’t know how you do it but thanks Kendall…”

*4 hours later*

“Well Gwen Stacy was Spiderman’s first love but she eventually died and so Spiderman thought he would never love again, but that was until he met Mary Jane Watson, and she changed his life for the better, they became best friends and soon fell in love. I guess you could say she was a blessing in disguise, and they ended up getting married.”

“So in a sick twisted way you’re saying that I’m Spiderman and I’ll move on from nick when he dies? That doesn’t sound like good advice at all.” I said joking around with Kendal

“No! Ha-ha forget the dying part, just like for me, when my ex-girlfriend broke up with me almost a year ago, I didn’t think I’d get over it, but I’m surviving, life goes on. And by the way, no one can be Spiderman because I’m Spiderman, shhh it’s a secret.” He said laughing

“Ha-ha well then you’re gonna have to tell that to Andrew Garfield” I said laughing as well

“Nahh he’s just an actor, I’m the real deal.” I could picture him with a smirk on his face."

“Ok Spiderman, I’ll put you to the test one of these days.” I said laughing

“I’ll be ready.” He said happily.

“Wow” I said as I looked at the clock, it was 4:30 in the morning. “Have you checked what time it is Kendall?”

“Whoa, I seriously had no idea, wow we talked till the morning.”

“I know, wow it didn’t even feel that long.”

“Well I guess we better try to get some sleep, right?” He said

“Yeah I completely agree. Well I guess I’ll see you later today.”

“Yeah you will, wait, but before you go, look, about last night at the park, I’m sorry tha-”

I cut him off mid sentence since I knew he was talking about us almost kissing, “It's ok Kendork, go to bed ha-ha, all is forgiven.” I said happily

“Alright, goodnight/morning!” he said

“Goodnight/morning to you too!” I said as I hung up.

I couldn’t believe I had stayed on the phone with Kendall up until the sun was just beginning to rise. He made me feel way better and if it wasn’t for him bringing up the kiss last night I would’ve probably haven’t even remembered about Nick and I breaking up, but Kendall was right. Although I might’ve thought Nick was my whole life, he really wasn’t, life moves on.

I ended up getting a good 7 hours of sleep and woke up at 12 in the afternoon. I was so hungry so I headed down stairs only to find Erin sitting on the couch with Dustin watching some horror movie, I said “Hi” and they both jumped in their seats.

“Hey! Gosh don’t do that!” They both said in a panic.

“Ha-ha sorry, I couldn’t help it. So what have you guys been up to?”

“Nothing!” They both said in unison

“Okay” I could tell something was up but I really didn’t want to get into it right now since I was starving.

“So what happened between Nick and you?” Erin asked me as she came over to the kitchen counter. Just as I was about to answer her, Dustin intruded.

“What do you mean what happened between them, weren’t you guys talking all night long?”

“N-” Erin was about to say no before I caught her off.

“Yes we did talk all night…right Erin?” I said to Dustin as I gave Erin a look that only a best friend would understand.

“Oh right! We did, silly me. I’m just an early bird and lack of sleep doesn’t effect me like it does to Rosie, which is why i’m able to be here wide awake.” She said. Oh boy could she be more unbelievable. Thankfully Dustin believed any words that came out of her mouth so I got out of that mess. If Dustin got the least bit mad at me hanging out with Kendall late at night, he’d get madder if he knew we kept talking after what he said about being careful around Kendall.

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