The Return of "Kendork"

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Chapter 7

“Hey you” I heard a voice say as I was pulling into the drive way. It was Kendall. He caught me by surprised that I almost ran him over. “Hey watch it! What is it, run over Kendall day?” He said with a smirk on his face.

“Are you only here to make fun of my driving?” I said playfully.

“Nope, but you just make it so easy”

I couldn’t help but laugh at myself since he did have a point.

“So what are you doing out here?” I said

“Just getting some air and looking at the stars.”

“Wow so rocker boy Kendall Schmidt actually has a soft side?” I said with a playful shocked expression on my face.

“Ha-ha hey just cuz I’m part of a rock band doesn’t mean I’m heartless”

“I know” I whispered. I could tell Kendall knew that I still remembered all the good times we used to have as kids. He was literally like a best friend to me, distance just got in the way. We stood there in silence for a few seconds before Kendall said,” Well its dark out and I’m sure Dustin is probably worried about you by now."

“Hold up, I’ll be right back” I said. I went inside to go tell Dustin I was home and give him a brief summary of my day before heading back out with Kendall.

As I made my way outside I found Kendall on his porch swing and he motioned for me to come sit next to him.

“I’m back, so how are you?”

“Oh you want to talk about me?” Kendall said.

“Well yeah…we have al lot of catching up to do, don’t we?”

“Ha-ha yeah I guess we do, but what do you say we go to the park, I’m kind of tired of sitting” he said.

“Sure” I said and so we started walking to our local park which was 2 1/2 blocks away.

“So how’d your day go?” I said.

“Well my day was pretty chill, jam session finished early with the guys since Kevin had a date, then I headed of to grab a bite to eat with Dustin and Kenneth. Carlos tagged along for a while before he had to go rehearse for the show. And well then I just came home and wrote some music. That’s pretty much it.”


By this time we had made it to the park.

“Not really so awesome-sauce compared to a super models life.” He said smiling and nudging my shoulder.

“I’m not a super model Kendork ha-ha” I said nudging his shoulder.

“Wow “Kendork”? Really? You’re bringing that old nickname up again..." he said smiling. “I haven’t been called that in years.”

“Well I could say the same about “awesome-sauce”, I seriously thought you’d grow out of that word" I said laughing.

“Has it really been that long since we last hung out?” he said in a serious tone but still managing to smile.

“I guess it has” I said looking at the ground.

“But hey we’re hanging out now!” He said smiling and I could see his dimples lighten up perfectly under the moon light. “Hey lets go swing!” He said and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a giant tire swing.

“My lady” he said in a fake British accent while holding the seat steady for me to get in. There he went again being his cheesy old self.

As we swung for a while we talked about everything we possibly could, from our families to our pets that we used to have before having to leave them with our parents since we moved to LA.

“So” Kendall said, “are you gonna go see Carlos’s show?”

“Yeah, I’m going Sunday”

“Cool me too, maybe we could go together, you know to save gas.”

“Well actually I’m already going with someone.” I said

“Oh Nick, right, I’m sorry I forgot you’d go with him” he said looking off in the distance.

“No, I’m not going with him; I’m going with my co-star on today’s shoot.”

“Oh” he said

“Yeah, it’s actually Carlos’s roommate James.”

“James? Wow, have fun.” He said with a happy look on his face.

“What’s wrong with James?” I said suspiciously

“Nothing, but from what Carlos has said about him, he sounds self absorbed like a d-bag.”

“He really isn’t, once you get to know him like I did you’d be able to see that he’s a nice guy. I think his looks just make him seem intimidating to others.”

“Are you calling me ugly?” Kendall said jokingly.

“Ha-ha noooo, all I mean is he’s too…too…too modely lookin ha-ha, if that even is a word.”

“Ha-ha it probably isn’t.” He said, at that very moment we were both just laughing and looking at each other until we finally were able to calm down, then things got serious, I could see Kendall’s face getting closer to mine and I was shocked that I wasn’t stopping him from what he was about to do. Just as our lips were about to make contact my phone rang. It startled us and we both jumped back onto our seat. I struggled to get my phone out of my pocket since we were sitting so close on the swing and there wasn’t much space to move so it stopped ringing before I could answer.

“Umm sorry” I said embarrassed.

“Ha-ha its ok, it was probably Dustin wanting you home.”


“Well then lets get you home.” He said smiling.

Once we got to our houses I knew I was in for a long talk with Dustin about my day which I wasn’t looking forward to.

“Well goodnight Rosie, I had a fun time with you.” Kendall said smiling

“Me too” I said smiling and gave Kendall a hug which he returned by squeezing me even tighter. I felt so safe in his arms, a feeling I had only felt once before, and it wasn’t with Nick, but with James.

“Goodnight Kendall” I said as I entered my house door. Once inside I checked my missed call and it wasn’t from Dustin, but Nick.

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