Clumsy Me

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Chapter 4

Early Friday morning I got a phone call from Vera Bradleys, the company who I had my worst audition with yesterday. Surprisingly enough for me they said they liked me, and would like to have me be the model for their ad campaign. I was in complete shock. I thought I sucked, but apparently I was the image they were going for, so I headed off to shower since they wanted to shoot at 1:00pm.

When I finished getting ready I still had like 2 hours before I had to go so I decided to go next door to the Schmidt’s house to watch them and Dustin rehearse their songs. Although I never did mention it to Dustin, I did like their music. Their sound was different, like electro/alternative/pop. It definitely could put you in a better mood, which was exactly what I wanted to hear after the horrible day I had yesterday.

I walked up to the Schmidt’s driveway I saw Dustin on his guitar, Kenneth on the keyboard, Kevin on drums, and Kendall with his guitar (he wasn’t singing, but he is the lead vocalist) all stuck in a musical trance as they carried on with their music. It must have been their daily jam session well in progress. They literally had no idea that I was watching. Once they finished I clapped for them and entered the garage.

“Hey guys!” I said.

“Hey Rosie” they said in unison.

“So what brings you here? You hardly ever come watch us rehearse…” Kevin said jokingly.

“Nothing much really, just needed some air and well I heard you guys playing so I’d thought I’d drop by and listen in. You guys are getting better…well better than you were 2 months ago” I said jokingly.

They all gave me the most synical look they could ever have before bursting out in laughter. I’d love being able to clown with them, they were like a group of older brothers to me, which I didn’t really mind having around. But then there was Kendall, sure he was just like them, but yesterdays talk with him really got me thinking. He seemed to want to really understand me, and talk about “my” feelings. Dustin never wanted to talk about my feelings, not even his own. Neither did any of the other guys. It was nice to know at least one of them was actually human.

As I kept listening to the guys rehearse I couldn’t help but stare at Kendall. He just was so good. I’d never really paid much attention to how he would glide his fingers so smoothly across his guitar strings while changing chords, how his green eyes looked hazel when they light hit them a certain way, how he would flip his hair every time he felt it close to his eyes, how his eyes were starring right at me right at this moment. Ahh! I shook my head and turned my gaze towards Dustin. I could feel my blood rushing to my cheeks and I didn’t want him to notice me blushing, I hardly ever blushed, so I decided it was time to go.

“Well I should really get going!” I said anxiously.

“Where to?” Dustin asked

“Oh I didn’t tell you? I got a call this morning from Vera Bradleys; they want me to be the face for their perfumes ad campaign.” I said

“Wow! You landed an ad campaign? I knew bringing you into my house was gonna be a good idea. Now I don’t have to worry about bills for the next couple of months.” He said jokingly while giving me a big hug. I pushed him aside and accepted every else’s congrats.

As I had just gotten into my car Kendall came up.

“Hey Rosie, goodluck at your photo shoot! Can’t wait to see your pictures up for all to see around this town” he smiling.

“Thanks Kendall” I said returning a smile.

“Well I better get going” I said

“Yeah you should. You don’t wanna be late on your only day of work this week” he said jokingly. “But before you go, ummmm, well are you okay? You didn’t seem so great yesterday and well I know you’re probably gonna be busy but I don’t know if you would maybe like to go bowling or something…you know…just to catch up on things…”

“Ummm, sure I’d like that” I said awkwardly trying not to smile.

“Cool, just thought it’d be great to get back to being the best friends we used to be befo-ahhh! Get it off!” Kendall screamed. It took me a second to realize I had let my foot go of the break and my car’s tire ran over Kendall’s foot.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” I yelled back as I backed the car tire off his foot. I couldn’t believe how stupid I could be, our driveway was very steep and if I didn’t have my breaks on the whole time then the car could easily roll away.

“Kendall!” Kenneth screamed as he noticed what had happened. Then all the guys made their way over to see if Kendall was alright.

“Ahh I’m fine guys, thankfully I was wearing my lucky pair of vans, they’re built strong” Kendall joked.

“Oh shut-up, enough with the silly vans talk” the guys all said as they jokingly pushed Kendall around. I couldn’t help but smile since he seemed to be alright.

“Well I really should get going. I really am sorry Kendall, when I get back I’ll make you a cake or something, anything to make you forget this happened.” I said as the guys started heading back to the garage. Kendall quickly came into my window.

“It’s ok, really, I’m fine. Go break a leg at your photo shoot, wait, on second thought don’t do that since I believe you probably could break someone’s leg.” He said with a smirk on his face while pointing at his foot.

“Ha-Ha-Ha” I said slowly before backing out of the driveway smiling. Once again Kendall just smiled through a bad part of his life, I wish I could be like that all the time, his smile was really contagious and I couldn’t wait to spend more time with him.

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