Hold On

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Chapter 27

"Nick?!" I said.

"Hey," he said.

"What are you doing here?" I said as I whiped the tears from my eyes so he wouldn't see that I was crying.

"I was just heading to get some Starbucks before heading back to recording my demo at the studio. I saw you walking so I thought you might want a ride..."

"Oh. Ummm, no i'm good."

I was a bit caught off guard by Nick's sudden kindness since we ended on bad terms and all.

"Look I know I'm probably the last person you'd want to speak to at the moment but I'm not stupid. It's dangerous for a girl to be walking out here in the dark all on their own."

He was right, it was dangerous.

"Are you sure you dont want a ride?" He said.

As much as I didnt want to admit that he was right to him, all I simply said was "Alright."

With that being said he walked me over to his passenger's side door and opened it to let me in.

When he eneterd the car the awkward silence began.

Two minutes later Nick said,"So do you mind if we go to Starbucks before dropping you off since it would save me gas?"

"Ummm, oh sure, I dont mind." I said, making very little eye contact with him. Then the silence continued and so I ended up blurtting out a question that never got answered for me.

"How did you know about me and Kendall hanging out that night?" There I flat out said it. I needed to know who was this person who said I was cheating on him with Kendall.

"Do we really have to talk about that?" He said.

"Yes, I think I deserve an answer after the way you treated me." I said annoyed.

"Look, I dont want to talk about that. Im over it, and it looks like you've moved on pretty well too." He was obviously referring to my relationship with Kendall. Thankfully, he didnt know about the fight Kendall and I just had or else he'd have a reason to start something way worse with me.

"Look my love life doesnt concern you, and it stopped concerning you the day you broke up with me!" I said point blank. Nick and I never broke eye contact after I raised my voice at him. We both just sat in our seats and and said nothing for atleast 30 seconds.

"I was fired...ok." Nick whispered.

"And why would that concern me, why should I care?" I said.

"I was fired from Epic Records. I was dropped before I even got the chance to start. I felt worthless at the moment so I thought I'd head over to a party to just drink my troubles away. I felt bad that I ditched you but when I got home I had a horrible headache so i just went straight to bed. A few minutes later I recieved a text from someone with a picture of you and Kendall about to kiss. That made me feel even worse so I called you and said things I didn't mean out of anger and I just wasn't mentally stable at the moment." He stopped.

I didnt know what else to say to him. Was this his way of telling me that he still have feelings for me?

We both went silent once again. All that you could hear was the sound of the cars driving beside us.

"Look can we please just go get your coffee quickly so you can just take me home? I'm tired and all I want to do is go home."

"So you don't want to talk about us at all?" He said.

"Us? There is no "us". Just forget about me ok."

"Look just hear me out, please!" Nick exclaimed.

"No! You never listened to me that night on the phone so why on Earth would I ever listen to what you have to say now?!"

"Please just listen!" Nick pleaded.

"Noo-Ahh! Nick watch out!"

Nick turned to his left only to see the headlights of a car coming straight at us. It was too late to do anything. My head hit the window as the car hit us and i blacked out...

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