Embarrassment 101

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Chapter 13

After showering I quickly blow dried my hair and then decided on wearing a pretty little blue sun dress with a cute black leather jacket. I quickly put some makeup on and then headed straight downstairs to wait for James to come.

As I walked downstairs the guys got very quiet and just starred at me.


Kevin made whistle noises as I walked down the stairs which made me roll my eyes at him.

“Shut up ha-ha” I said to Kevin.

“Well where are you going all dressed up?” He said as they all just stared.

“I’m going to go watch Carlos.” I said

“Oh Kendall’s going today too, are you two going together?” Kenneth asked.

“No, she’s going with James.” Kendall said.

“Oh, wait the douche bag?” Dustin asked.

“He’s not a douche bag guys.” I said trying to say it as seriously as I possibly could.

“Well all we have to go by is what Carlos says about him…sorry.” Dustin said.

“Well when he comes to pick me up you’ll get to meet him and judge him for yourself.” I said and then left to the dining room because I really didn’t want to hear anymore of their comments.

Five minutes later the doorbell rang and I went to go answer it but obviously the guys beat me to the door. I swear it was like a stampede and my foot got crushed in the process.

I was jumping around from the pain as Dustin opened the door. James was standing there looking as confused as ever when he saw all the guys staring him down, I swear I felt so embarrassed, it was as if I had 4 dads at that moment which made me feel really bad for James.

“Helllooo” the guys all said with very serious looks on their faces.

“Hi I’m James” James said looking a little nervous.

“Why are you sweating James? Could it be that you’re hiding something?” Kevin asked while getting really close to his face.

“Hmmm he must be, look at his face.” Kenneth said

“I’m not doing anything with my face…it’s just my face.” James said

“Leave him alone you guys.” I said pulling James inside away from them.

“So James you’re taking out my baby cousin just to see the show right and nothing more?” Dustin said.

“Dustin!” I lashed back at him.

“So is this like a date?” Dustin said giving me a stern look.

“N-” I got cut off by James.

“Yes it is.” He said very confidently

“What?!” I said looking at him, James then mouthed the words “the deal” to me.

I understood what he was trying to do. Ian told us we couldn’t tell anyone about our fake romance, so why not start showing people we were supposedly in “love”. That would be best since I didn’t want Dustin to get anymore parental on me.

“I mean yes it is a date.” I said trying not to sound fake at all.

“Really? Since when did you two meet?” Dustin asked

“Two days ag-ow!” James had started saying before I stepped on his foot to shut him up.

“Oh I’m so sorry James, my bad…and well Dust we met 2 weeks ago at a casting call and kept in touch since then, and now we were both cast as the lead models for the “Promise” perfume ad campaign." I said

“Rosie can I talk to you in the dining room?” Dustin said

“Sure” I said “I’ll be right back James.”

Dustin dragged me off to the dining room and I really didn’t want to hear what he had to say.

“Look Dustin I really should get going, we are gonna be late for the show.” I said

“You never told me there was a guy in this campaign with you; I thought you were their only model?” Dustin said.

“I thought so too up until I got there, but James is really a sweet guy, you have nothing to worry about.” I said trying to help Dustin see the light and stop being so over protective.

“Alright, you guys are going to the show, and only to the show, then you head straight back home, you got it.” Dustin said very strictly.

“Got it.” I said giving him a reassuring smile.

We headed back to James and the guys who were all just standing there looking at him. “Alright dads I’ll be back at 9:30” I said to the guys and then headed out the door with James by my side. I couldn’t help but feel extremely awkward as we walked away since I could sense their eyes on us, that and the fact that Kevin yelled out “Keep your hands to yourself!” to James. Could they get anymore embarrassing?

As James started pulling out of the drive way I turned to try to see Kendall, but he was no where to be found. In fact I didn’t even see or hear much from him once James arrived which made me think, could he have gotten mad at James or me for something. I know I lied about James and me knowing each other for longer than two days, but then again he was going to the show too so he probably just left to get ready.

*during the show*

I was having so much fun watching Carlos perform and I felt so proud, he was like my big brother, next to Dustin of course, and just watching him kill it made me feel so happy and overjoyed for him.

As the show broke for intermission James got a call from Ian. Apparently James told him about us going to the show tonight and well Ian thought it would be a perfect opportunity to get some early proof of our “love” so people would know it wasn’t a sham. He said we could be the next Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes if we played our cards right so he sent some of the companies photographers that would be here soon.

“So I guess that means we should probably get closer.” James said

“Yeah I guess.” I said smiling nervously as he put his arm around my shoulder.

We ended up just talking about how many auditions we had been on before this one and our families. The photographers came a few minutes into our conversation and secretly started snapping pictures. James would put his arms around me and hold me tightly as we were all standing for the shows final song. As I was having fun pretending to be in love with James, James suddenly pulled me in for a quick kiss.

After I looked out in the crowd and my eyes locked with a guy who seemed to have a disappointed look on his face. When he noticed me looking at him he quickly turned around and at that instant I knew it was Kendall.

Rush (A Big Time Rush inspired drama)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz