Sundae for Two

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Chapter 16

I woke up to the smell of bacon which made me double check where I was. I thought I was back home because at home Dustin’s favorite thing to eat was bacon, well that and taco bell.

I got up, freshened up and headed to their kitchen where Carlos was making bacon and eggs.

“Good morning Rosie” Carlos said cheerfully.

“Morning Carlos” I said while yawning and rubbing my eyes awake.

“So do you want some breakfast?” He said

“Sure” I said

“Here you go.” He said while handing me a plate with bacon and eggs.

“So, where’s James?” I said as I began to dig in.

“Oh he went for his morning run.” Carlos said

“Oh” I said.

“Yeah, so any who, what really went down at here last night?” He asked raising his eyebrow.

“I’d rather not say; I’m sure Dustin will fill you in on it later.” I said while getting up to grab some orange juice from their fridge.

“Hey, now it must’ve been something big for you to have come all the way to our apartment and decided to get drunk with James and who knows what else.” He said with a disgusted look on his face

“Excuse me; I didn’t come here to do anything with James.” I said very angrily

“Really? Then why was he not wearing a shirt? Can you explain that to me?” He said raising his voice.

“His shirt was off because he spilled his wine on himself, there was no other reason! I’m shocked, I thought out of all people you’d be on my side!” I said yelling at him.

“Rosie calm down okay. I’m just mad that you’d put yourself in such a vulnerable situation.” He said

“I’m not a little kid okay; I can take care of myself. You know what I think I’ll just head out, have a nice day Carlos.” I said as coldly as I could. “Oh and you want to know what happened? Fine, I caught Dustin and Erin in bed together.” I said raising my voice at him as I barged out the door.

“Rosie” Carlos called out but I didn’t listen. I just wanted to get away from all the drama for today so I headed off to a model booking I had been told about a week ago.

Once I got to the place the casting was at I was glad I at least looked ready since I had on last nights dress, but however I just felt really exhausted and would kill for more sleep.

I ended up being the seventh out of eight girls that they were going to see that day so thankfully it wasn’t going to take long. When girl number eight arrived I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was Katelyn. She ended up having to sit next to me but I was wearing sunglasses so thankfully she pretty much didn’t notice me up until they called my name.

“Rosa Martinez” a lady called out

“I’m here” I said as I made my way into the room, I could feel her cold eyes on me.

The audition actually went pretty well, it was for a charity runway show. The casting agents actually seemed to recognize me, they said they saw the ads that came out today with James and me so they took their time with me. They seemed very pleased with having me so they asked me to do the show and I accepted.

Walking out Katelyn ignored me fully and entered the room. I was glad I took long, that meant she was probably feeling intimidated by now.

Upon leaving the venue, I had no idea where to go but it for sure wasn’t going to be home so I decided on going to a local restaurant for lunch. I ended up picking a place called Miceli’s, an Italian food place.

I entered and sat down near a window so I could people watch as I tried to make this long day go by a bit faster. A few minutes later a waiter came by and asked me if I was ready to order, I wasn’t that hungry so all I asked for was some soup.

As I waited for my soup to be brought to my table a guy went to the restaurants stage and made an announcement that we were in for a treat, they had just hired a guy to play music for us while we ate. Then out from the curtains appeared Kendall.

I was not in shock, but just surprised to see him. He had gotten the job he told me about a few days ago and I was happy for him.

As Kendall played, I could tell music was his passion, he definitely made the crowd feel every single word he sang from his cover of Ed Sheeran’s The A-Team.

Once he finished I got up and clapped for him causing his eyes to divert towards me and he gave me a smile. Me getting up caused everyone to follow, thus making Kendall’s first performance here a hit. He truly deserved that applause because he did so well.

My soup arrived and I ate it while listening to Kendall cover 2 more songs before being done for the day.

“Ladies and Gentlemen give it up one more time for the talented Mr. Kendall Schmidt” the announcer guy said before letting Kendall get off stage. Once he packed his guitar he made his way over to my table and sat down.

“Hey Rosie, what brings you here?” He said giving me a hug.

“Nothing much really, just lunch is all. You were great up there.” I said enthusiastically.

“Thanks” he said laughing

“Why didn’t you tell me you got the job here?” I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

“Well you just seemed too busy with modeling and James and all.” He said looking down at the table.

“Well I’m not that busy and well, uh, I’m not dating James.” As I said those words he looked at me raising one of his eyebrows.

“What do you mean you aren’t dating James? You guys confirmed you were a couple yesterday.” He asked.

“Yeah we did, but…” I motioned for Kendall to get closer so that no one else could hear, “we are only pretending to be a couple for the sake of the perfume ad. They’re paying us a good load of money.” I said

“Wow, so that’s the secret you couldn’t tell me the other day?” He asked

“Yes, and you can’t say anything to anyone, promise?” I asked

“Promise” he said as we both were still close to each other and whispering a waiter came by to our table. He spoke in an Italian accent.

“Sorry to bother the beautiful couple but we here at Miceli’s have a policy that every couple who has a date here gets a free sundae.” The waiter said.

“Oh, we’re not a coup-” I said before Kendall cut me off.

“Of course we’ll take it, thank you my good man.” Kendall said as the waiter walked away.

“Kendall but the guy said it was only because he thought we were on a da-” I said

“Shhh Rosie, its free ice cream” he said laughing. I couldn’t help but giggle myself because he did have a good point. We ended up having to share the sundae since it was a couple’s one, but it wasn’t really an issue since Kendall and I were used to being close.

Once we finished with our couples sundae we headed out to our cars to go home.

“Well I guess I’ll see you at home.” Kendall said.

“I don’t know, I don’t really feel like going home yet.” I said

“Why not?” he asked

“It’s a long story…” I said

“Well I’ve got time.” He said giving me a comforting look.

“Ok” I smiled, “well where should we go to talk? I said.

“Hmmm, I think I’ve got just the place.” He said as he led me to his car. I made sure to check my car was locked before getting in his since I’d be picking it up later.

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