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J • I • S • U • N • G

"Shouldn't he be dead?" Jisung looked up, letting his eyes analyze the room.
"That guy over there. The one from the club yesterday."

Jisung felt his cheeks grow hot because of the events yesterday. He had tried forgetting it, tried burning it out off his memory by smoking hundreds of cigarettes. But it was still as clear as air.

"Witch guy, there is thousands of dudes here." Jisung asked pushing away the horrible thought's.
"You know who I'm talking about."

Jisung sighed looking at the guy he'd seen as fast as he came into the room. He stood at the other side of the room, flirting with some girl.

His light brown hair hung down on the sides, leaving the forehead exposed. He wore a black leatherjacket and silver earrings.

Jisung didn't know his name. Didn't want too either. All he wanted was the boy too be dead. The hate that was hidden inside him woke up, creeping on his insides.

"Should we kill him now?" Woojin asked, pulling up a gun.

"Are you dumb? We're at a club! People will freak out if you shout him! And by the way, I wanna kill him myself." Woojin realized the stupid thing he was about to do and hid the gun again.

Jisung looked over at the boy, who was making out with the girl he was flirting with earlier. Gender didn't matter obviously. If it did, he wouldn't have done those horrible tings to Jisung.

Well, they weren't horrible. Just in Jisung's eyes. He'd been awful drunk yesterday. Out of his mind. The boy with light brown hair had started talking too Jisung. The conservation became more sexual for each minute. It ended up with them in bed. But who would blame Jisung for having sex with a hot guy who suddenly husks in your ear, 'I could fuck you here and now in front of everybody.' Plus he was so drunk he didn't even remember his own name.

But of course Jisung didn't tell his friends he was wasted when the events happened. He told them he was raped. In reality he was dying because of shame. Jisung didn't think that of himself. That he would have sex with a random person, a boy! He was so shocked the next morning when he woke up with the sexiest person on earth hugging him from behind, that he started crying. But, again, he didn't say that too his friends either.

"He's coming this way." Woojin suddenly says, catching Jisung attention.

The boy with light brown hair moved through the room, eyes locked at Jisung. Great, he thinks, now he's gonna ask for my number.

But then Jisung sees the look in the boys eyes. It screams hate. Disgust.

"Didn't expect to see you here." The boy says finally standing in front of Jisung.

"Lets take this out side." Jisung smiles, without happiness.

The three boys walk outside in the cold autumn air. Woojin light's a cigarette, trying to look relaxed. Even though he's waiting too pull his gun.

"What do you want?" Jisung asks, folding his arms.

"I want to kill you." He simply answers, shocking both Jisung and Woojin.

M • I • N • H • O

The the boys in front of him looks shocked. Especially the one with a cigarette.

"Wait wait. I don't get it. You want to kill me?" The shorter says, not believing his own ears.

A laugh escapes Minho. Making him feel insane. He probably is insane. But this? No, he didn't expect that. That little slut played with Minho when he was drunk, drunk as hell. And now he was standing there, like he was the one that had been raped.

Yeah, Minho did walk around trying too find people to fuck. But a boy? Definitely not, never in his whole life did he imagine having sex with a guy. Now it had happened and Minho wanted to kill the boy.

"I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing. And you took the opportunity to use my body." The slut said, anger in his voice.

"I was drunk. You're the one that used me!" Minho argued.

"Chill guys. You where both drunk, so it's no one's fault. Let it drop." The guy with a cigarette suddenly said.

"But he's lying!" Minho and Jisung said at the same time.

"Well, have fun killing each other. I don't have time for this. Bye Jisung." The boy walked off ignoring the calls from his friend.

So Jisung is the sluts name, Minho thought smiling too himself. Feeling insane again.

"I'll kill you the next time I see you. But for now bye, Jisung." Minho began walking away, but Jisung stopped him.

"It's not fair! I don't know your name!" He yelled, stomping his foot in the ground.

"I'll tell you when you're dead." Minho answer laughing again, feeling the drugs affect his brain.


Hope you liked this! I'll just warn you that the updates are probably gonna be really late, I don't really know yet. And please keep in mind that English isn't my first language while reading this.

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