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M • I • N • H • O

A bright light was shining in Minho's eyes. He blinked twice and tried to stop the world from spinning. Everything hurt.

"How are you feeling?" A soft voice said to his right.

"Horrible." Minho wailed.

"Your friend has been waiting for you to wake up. Can I let him in?" The voice said, Minho didn't care to look who it was.

"Sure, whatever." Minho sighed.

Could it be Jisung?

He heard the door open and footsteps walking over the floor. The smell of books and dust made its way to his nose.

Someone sat down beside him and took his hand. Minho recognized the hand as Felix'.
It's not Jisung.

"Felix." Minho whispered and gripped Felix' hand harder.

Minho tried focusing his eyes on Felix' face. Tears was rolling down Felix' cheeks hitting Minho's and his hands.

"I thought you died." Felix cried, laying down beside Minho.

"I'm not gonna leave you behind." He mumbled, wrapping an arm around Felix even when it hurt like hell.

F • E • L • I • X

"For the hundred time, I don't know where Jisung is!" He sighed.

A week had gone by. Minho was still in hospital not able to walk on his injured leg. Minho kept asking where Jisung was.

"But why isn't he in this hospital? Are you sure he's not here?" Minho wondered, fidgeting with the blanket over him.

"Well, we don't even know his last name." Felix murmured, tired of Minho's rambling.

A silence lay between the two boys. Felix felt like disappearing from the surface of earth. Why couldn't things be like three years ago?

"So, how's Changbin doing?" Minho asked, in an attempt to change the subject.

"How should I know? He doesn't talk that much." Felix said sarcastically. "How's your relationship going?"

"I'm not in a relationship." Minho huffed, folding his arms over his chest.

"So you mean fucking Jisung was just for fun?"

Minho hushed him looking anxiously around the room. He then gave Felix a serious look and sighed.

"Would you keep it down? What if someone heard you!" Minho scolded. "And by the way, I didn't not have sex with Jisung just for fun!"

"So you enjoyed it?" Felix smirked, seeing Minho's cheeks flush a bright red color.

"Get out! Visiting hours are over!"

M • I • N • H • O

Maybe this was a stupid idea. Maybe I should just let it be. Maybe— God, Minho it'll be fine, Woojin must know what happened to Jisung.

Minho rang the bell on the desk, a woman soon appeared smiling to him. She had short brown hair and really pale skin.

"Hello, I'd like to see Woojin." Minho said, trying not to sound suspicious.

"What's his last name?" The woman asked, tapping in something on the computer.

Minho froze and his brain suddenly took vacation to Hawaii. Was he really so stupid he forgot that he needed Woojins last name?

"K-Kim, Kim Woojin...?" He nervously laughed, it sounded more of a question than a statement.

Kim was a normal last name in Korea. Maybe that was Woojins last name. At least it was worth a try.

The brown haired woman rested her gaze at Minho for a while. Like she didn't really trust him. But then she smiled and gave Minho the directions.

Minho sighed in relief when he was out of sight. That was a close call.

He finally reached his destination sitting down on a chair. The room was quite except the clocks ticking.

The door opened and a guard walked in. Seconds later the door opened again and Woojin walked in with a guard behind him. Woojin sat down on the chair opposite of Minhos and the guards walked out.

Oh goodness it's the right Woojin!

"Hey! I remember your face! Aren't you that boy how tried to kill Jisung?" Woojin exclaimed.

Minho cringed at Woojins words. Being recognized by trying to kill someone isn't that pleasing.

"Yeah... about that. Where is Jisung?" Minho asked, scratching his neck.

Woojin smiled confused and tilted his head a little to the left. He looked like he lost all of his words for a second.

"What... you mean you haven't seen him? Well it would explain why he haven't visited me... but still, has something happened to him? Maybe—" Woojin stopped in his ranting to look at Minho.

"Did you kill him?" He whispered after a long silence.

"No, well, I don't know! That's why I came here to ask you!" Minho mumbled, anxious slowly creeping over him.

"That made no sense... so I'll ask you, are you telling me that you killed Jisung or are you telling me you did not kill him?" Woojin growled, staring daggers at Minho.

"That's the thing I don't know! So let me explain..."


I'm a useless shit sorry for that :(
Well at lest I updated within a month :D
Lol I'll try to do better...

Thanks for 400+ reads 🥰

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