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J • I • S • U • N • G

Everything was ruined. Why wasn't Minho home? Now Jisung had to wait till next Monday and he couldn't stand waiting.

I guess I'll have to make a new plan, he thought.

"You look happy." Woojin joked, his smile fading away when he saw Jisung's murderous look.

"Why are you always at my apartment? You have your own." Jisung grumbled and sat down beside Woojin in the black couch.

"Because I like yours better." He answered, turning on the TV.

Jisung wanted to tell him to get the hell out of his apartment, but that wouldn't be very nice. So he said nothing. Feeling unsettling.

J • E • O • N • G • I • N

The sun was slowly stetting making the room bathe in red light. Jeongin sighed closing his computer. He felt the migraine coming and sighed again.

"Everything alright?" Chan asked, standing in the doorway.

Jeongin nodded. They walked together out of the building. Jeongin liked the way Chan's hair gleamed in the eve. The migraine disappeared.

"What is happening too Jisung?" Chan asked.

"I don't really know. He's trying to kill that boy. But I don't know if that's the whole story." He answered. "Maybe there's something more."

"You think there's something more? Like what?"

"Like love." Jeongin smiled.

Chan smiled at him and grabbed his hand. Jeongin felt butterflies in his stomach. Sometimes he just wanted to run away with Chan.

They walked together down the streets while the dark took over. Jeongin forgot his problems and all his mistakes.

"My apartment. On Friday." He said, letting go of Chan's hand.

"It's Friday tomorrow." Chan smirked.

"Isn't that awesome?" Jeongin laughed, kissing Chan on the cheek.

They looked at each other one last time before going separate ways. Both smiling to themselves.

J • I • S • U • N • G

The next day Jisung just stayed in bed. Woojin called him at least 15 times. Jisung didn't answer any of the calls.

Friday came too it's end. He still hadn't eaten breakfast. Jisung just wanted the day to go, so he finally could get his revenge.

You could just find him and kill him today, a voice whispered in his head. But Jisung hesitated. He feel asleep and forgot about Minho. Almost.

Jisung ran down the corridor. He had never been there before. But everything felt familiar.

The steps behind him came closer and closer. Jisung had no idea what it was, he just kept running.

Suddenly he came too a dead end. He turned around facing the thing that was chasing him. But there was nothing behind him.

Jisung took a step forward and fell through the floor. A scream escaped him as he fell down, down and down.

At last he hit the ground. Someone reached out a hand too him. Jisung took the hand and the person dragged him up to his feet. But there was nobody there.

Jisung dropped the hand, his own hands covered in blood. He turned and ran away from the hand. Just to stumble into a bedroom.

"I was expecting you."

Minho sat on the bed. Jisung was lying beside him. Another Jisung. Jisung didn't know what to think.

The Jisung on the bed had a knife in his hand. Jisung looked down at his hands, realizing they weren't there. Someone had chopped them off.

"Sorry about that." Minho said, hands all over the Jisung on the bed.

They began making out. Jisung just stood there. He watched the make out session go further. Something inside him wanted to be the other Jisung.

Jisung woke up under the bed. Sometimes he forgot he walked in his sleep. What did I dream just now?

Jisung didn't remember the dream he had. Everything felt so far away. After a while of thinking he finally remembered.

"I made out with Minho!?"

"You did?"

"What the hell are you doing here Woojin!?"

Woojin bent down looking under the bed. He gave Jisung a confused look.

"What are you doing there?" He asked, avoiding the question.

"I sleepwalk, okay?" Jisung muttered, crawling out from under the bed. "Now tell me what you're doing here!"

"Oh nothing special. Just passing bye checking if you're still alive." Woojin shrugged.

Jisung sighed standing up. He wanted to know why he dreamt about such a thing. Such a horrible thing like making out with the person you're plotting to kill.

"What day is it?" Jisung wondered, following Woojin our in the kitchen.

"Sunday." Woojin answered.

Oh fuck tomorrow's Monday, Jisung thought. He couldn't understand how the days went bye so fast.


Hello Hello TeLl mE wHat yOu WaNT rIghT nOw ~~

No but here's a new update, hope you liked it :3
A little shorter chapter but at least I updated in time :)

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