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J • I • S • U • N • G

"This guy wants too buy like hundreds off guns from us." The boss said. "I wanna know what he's up too, so Chan and Seungmin will kidnap-"

"Wait wait! You want us too kidnap this guy just too ask him why he wants to buy guns from us?" Chan said, cutting off the boss speech.

"Sweetheart, don't question my orders. If I tell you too kidnap him, you do it." The boss grunted. "I have my reasons."

"But can't we just-"

"No 'buts'. Now go get him or I'll make Jisung do it instead. Jisung- are you even listening?"

Jisung looked up from the knife he was holding meeting the boss's eyes. Everyone in the room was looking at him.

"Um. What did you say?" He asked, clearly not listening earlier.

"Oh my. What should I do with you? You have been wired since that Friday." The boss sighed and stood up, starting to walk back and forth.

"Sorry." Jisung mumbled, not knowing what else to say.

"When Chan and Seungmin comes back with this guy, you will question him." The boss said and sat down again, satisfied with his decision.

"Me? No, that's not necessary! Woojin can do that! He always does!" Jisung protested, shaking his head violently.

"Why is nobody doing what I tell the to do? The meeting is over. Get out of my sight, all off you!" The boss said, pointing at the door.

Everybody walked out off the room and disappeared in different directions. Jisung didn't like questioning people. But he didn't have anything to say too the boss.

The boss himself was a year younger than Jisung. He never smiled and always walked around with a gun in his hand.

He didn't like it when you called him by his name. Woojin tried once. He came back with bruises all over his face.

Jisung thought the boss was kinda scary. He was always rude and seemed to like to see people suffering. Neither did he like being around people and trusted almost nobody.

Chan was the only one that could talk sense into him. Sometimes no one could.

Jisung sighed and started walking around in the building. He had to stay here and wait for Seungmin and Chan to come back.

God, I wish I was somewhere else, he thought.

M • I • N • H • O

Can't they stop fucking each other?

Minho tried covering his ears with his pillow. But the awful sounds still made it too him. They had been doing it the whole night.

Minho thought he'd go insane if he heard anymore of the moans. So he raised out of bed and put on his clothes.

He rushed out of the apartment the moans following him all the way down too the second floor. Reminding him of how single he was.

The moon shone on the ground making the wet asphalt look like silver. Minho lighted a cigarette walking away in the dark. He liked the dark. Always comforting him in hard times.

The first club he walked into was packed with people. Minho couldn't take one step without walking into three people at the same time. It was Friday after all.

He decided to leave, why was he here in the first place? But as Minho made his way too the door something caught his eye.

He walked up too the guy that caught his attention. Poking his shoulder.

"Excuse me. But can I have some off your marijuana?" Minho asked pointing at the drugs in the boys hands.

"Yeah, sure." The boy answered, giving him some off the marijuana.

Minho took the drug, feeling his muscles cramp. After a while they stopped cramp and he was filled with relief.

A laugh escaped him and he hugged the boy who gave him the drug. The boy hugged him back and they laughed in each other's arms.

"What's your name?" Minho wondered pulling away from the hug.


They started laughing again. But soon they forgot each other and walked different directions. Minho had forgotten that he was about too leave.

He danced too the songs that was played and sang too some off them. He only sang when he was high. His mom used to tell him he was good at singing.

Suddenly Minho felt the dizziness wash over him. He stumbled to a chair and sat down. Soon he was panicking, breathing faster for each second.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

Minho looked up, meeting pretty brown eyes behind blond bangs. He thought he was hallucinating. How pretty.

"Yeah. I am now." He smirked, the panic disappearing with the dizziness.

"How come you're all alone, as pretty as you are?" The boy snickered, eyeing Minho up and down.

"I was waiting for someone." Minho said, laying his arm around the boys waist.

He was a lightweight, had always been. Minho didn't even realize he lied. He wasn't waiting for anybody. Or was he? He couldn't really remember.

The kept talking, maybe more like flirting. But what's the difference? Minho got drunk and forgot the time.

The boy was practically sitting in his lap, whispering things in his ear. Minho didn't know his name, but whatever. Just being near the boy made him high. And horny.

"Oh god, why are you so sexy?" The boy said, lips brushing against his neck.

"I could fuck you here and now in front off everybody." Minho husked, not able to control himself anymore.

He felt the boy whimper gripping his shoulders. Minho picked up the boy walking away out off the club. They ended up at a hotel. Kissing each other shamelessly.


Sorry again for late update. School is fucking with me... :(
Have a nice day!

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