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J • I • S • U • N • G

The clock ticked loudly in the room making Jisung stressed. Yet everything was familiar, green armchairs and a table with a vase on. There used to be flowers in the vase, but it was empty at the moment.

Jisung changed his position for the fifth time looking at the door. Steps where heard and his therapist entered the living room. She smiled at him and placed a bouquet off pink roses in the vase.

"Nice to see you again, it was a while ago." Yoonji said sitting in the armchair beside Jisungs.

"Yeah it was a while ago." Jisung echoed and smiled unsurely. "I've had a lot going on lately."

Jisung had known Yoonji for almost five years now but he still had problems with trusting her. She was an intelligent women in her early thirties with a short temper and weird obsessions. Yoonji teased him often and was more off a friend than a therapist.

"Is it stressing, having a lot going on?" Yoonji asked whipping her short, black hair out of her eyes.

"Very stressing. But it's better now." Jisung said, trying to open himself up.

That was the whole point off it. Opening up to Yoonji so she could help him with his problems. But he never seemed to succeed digging out the darkest thoughts in his mind. Even though Yoonji was good at making him say things he didn't want to say.

Yoonji nodded studying the roses. Jisung could smell the scent off them and inhaled deeply. Whenever he felt stressed he smelled flowers. He used to walk by a certain flower shop just to smell the flowers and then leave. That's how he met Woojin.

Woojin was buying a bonsai tree when this weird dude started sniffing a orchid in the row beside him. You could hear him sniffing miles away and Woojin couldn't help but notice that the boy was crying.

So he basically kidnaped Jisung and they became friends. Jisung still remembered the day like it was yesterday. He was so happy when Woojin presented him to his friends. Even though they turned out doing illegal things Jisung was still happy. Finally he had someone in his life that wanted to stay in it.

"Tell me, what are you thinking about?" Yoonji suddenly wondered making Jisung flinch, he had been deep in thoughts.

"My friend, Woojin." Jisung replied and started to fiddle with the hem off his shirt.

Jisung felt his pulse raise as he swallowed. He wanted to tell her about his family, because then maybe he would stop having nightmares. Then maybe he would feel like something was lifted off his shoulders. I have to get rid off these memories.

"When I was thirteen my life was perfect. I had a sister little sister that I loved. My mom and dad where happy and we weren't poor." Jisung stopped for a second, feeling his heart beat hard in his chest.

Yoonji smiled at him telling him to continue. She leaned back crossing her arms and Jisung leant back as well. He sighed looking down at his trembling hands.

"But I was wrong, no one in my family was happy except me. My sister had been hurting herself for two months already and I had no clue. On my fourteenths birthday I overheard my parents talking. They where both crying, mom said she wanted to die. I didn't know what to think, parents aren't supposed to be suicidal. But my mom was. And the day after my sister disappeared. A week later her body was found in the woods. Suicide. No doubt." Jisung inhaled shakily and stood up.

"You don't have to continue, we can take it another day, yeah? What about tomorrow?" Yoonji said standing up as well, she walked over to Jisung pushing him down in the armchair again.

"No, I have to get it out. I've been carrying this for six years." He mumbled, blinking away the tears.

"Well, if you say so." Yoonji said softly, crouching beside Jisung.

He took a shaky breath pushing himself to look at her. Jisung had to say this, he had to. I'll feel a lot better when I've told her, then maybe I don't have to attend to therapy anymore.

"I was heartbroken, my little sister meant everything for me. My parents where heartbroken too but they didn't try to comfort me. They thought I was a failure. But they loved my sister. I wasn't allowed to go to the funeral, they sent me to my grandma. When I came back the house was empty. A week later my parents bodies where found in the woods. Suicide. No doubt." Yoonji looked at Jisung with sad eyes, Jisung thought he saw guilt in her eyes too.

"I'm horribly sorry for your loss. But it was brave off you to tell me this." Yoonji said laying a hand on his. "Please go home and rest."

Jisung nodded and left her house. The snow was falling down from the gray sky whirling around him. He stopped under a lamppost and cried for a while. The tears freezing to ice on his cheeks.


It hurt writing this chapter :(
I hope you're not crying like I am and that you've had a great day

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