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M • I • N • H • O

"What happened?"

Minho was lying on his bed when Felix walked into his room. It was 5 in the morning.

"No idea." He mumbled, trying to remember last nights events.

The drug had affected his brain, making him forget everything that happened in the middle off the night. Minho was still a little bit high, wondering if he did kill Jisung.

"Well I'm off too the hospital. See ya." Felix left the room slamming the door shut.

Minho sighed turning too his other side. He was just about too fall back asleep when Felix opened the door.

"Where the hell is my car!?"

J • I • S • U • N • G

The sun stung in Jisung's eyes. But he didn't move from his spot. He had been lying there since midnight.

He was scared to move. Cars where driving by then and now giving him a mini heart attack. Jisung wanted the day to pass, he wanted it too be night. So he could sneak back into his apartment.

He was still inside the car Minho left him in. The leather seat underneath him felt cold against his bare skin, even though he had been lying there for 5 hours.

Get yourself together, Jisung thought. He slowly sat up looking out through the cars toned windows.

Without making any noises he put on his clothes. He found a pair off trousers under the seat. Minho won't miss them, he thought borrowing them.

Jisung opened the door and slid out of the car. The parkinglot was almost empty. Just two cars parked a bit away.

Jisung closed the door and ran too the apartment. The asphalt scratched his toes making them bleed. But it was worth it.

His door was closed when he came there. Jisung opened it, hoping nobody had stolen anything. He was met by a hug.

"Where have you been!? I was worried too death!" Woojin pulled away from the hug, only to drag Jisung back into another one.

"I just took a walk." He mumbled, standing still in Woojin's embrace.

"Why would you leav without locking the door? Hell Jisung, you didn't even close it! I thought that guy had taken you! I thought you where dead!" Woojin ranted, hugging the life out of Jisung.

"He kidnapped me."

"He what!? What did he do too you? Are you okay?" Woojin pulled away looking Jisung up and down. "Oh my god, did he hit you? You have bruises all over your neck!"

Jisung just stood still, looking at everything except Woojin. He felt himself blush when he heard Woojin say 'oh' in realization.

"You had-" Woojin started, but Jisung stopped him.

"I already know! Please don't remind me about it." Jisung shouted and dropped down on the floor.

"I thought you were trying to kill each other." Woojin said. "Why did you have sex with him then?"

"He was high. Okay? Now forget it." Jisung spat. "I was high too."

The lie came so naturally he didn't even think twice about it. He weren't high last night, maybe high of being fucked. But nothing other than that.

"Well. You seem gay for him." Woojin smiled, dodging Jisung's punch.

"Take it back! Jerk!"

M • I • N • H • O

His headache was awful. It felt like someone had stabbed him with a knife thousand off times in the head. The memories from midnight was long gone. He had tried remembering, but he didn't remember anything.

Felix was pissed at him for leaving the car somewhere, they did not know where. He had not been able to go too the hospital. More like he was lecturing Minho so much he forgot it.

"Come on. Please tell me where you hid the painkillers! It feels like I'm gonna throw up due too the headache!" Minho whined, lying flat on the floor.

"Never. You shall learn from your mistakes. Don't drive when you're high, because you can't remember where you left the car the next day." Felix muttered.

"It could've been worse. What if the police caught me driving while being high? I'd be in jail by now." Minho said.

"That would've been a relief. God I can't stand your company right now. I'm taking the buss too the hospital. Be dead when I'm home." Felix left the apartment leaving Minho on the floor.

Minho sighed and began his searching for the painkillers. He finally found them buried in a plant in the kitchen. Felix had left an hour ago.

Minho ate the tablets not bothering about swallowing them down with any water. He crashed on the couch, falling into a deep sleep.


Sorry for the late update and the short chapter.
Hope you had a great day, mine sucked :)

Thanks too the people who reads this (^3^)

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