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J • I • S • U • N • G

Jisung knocked on the door to Minhos apartment. But he did share it with someone, didn't he? The morning sun shone through the window at Jisung forming a shadow on the door.

Someone opened a door on the floor under him. Steps were heard in the stairs and soon they were gone. It was quiet from inside Minohs apartment.

I'll stand here for a little longer, Jisung thought knocking on the door once again. That time he heard something from inside the apartment. Footsteps walked up to the door and stopped. It remained silence.

Jisung sighed and raised his hand to knock again when suddenly the door was opened. Minho peeked out with sleepy eyes and a bed head.

"Jisung?" He mumbled and squinted his eyes looking at the named boy.

"Can we talk?" Jisung asked sliding beside Minho into the apartment.

Minho yawned and closed the door slowly. He was only wearing boxers and a robe with butterflies on. Jisungs heart skipped a beat and he hurriedly looked down at his feet.

The older boy lead the younger one into the little kitchen taking out a coffee machine. Jisung sat on a chair with a fluffy pillow on. The tiny room was filled with old newspapers, big plants and pictures off Minho and a freckled boy. I have seen that boy before...

"Tea?" Minho asked pouring a cup off coffee placing it in front of Jisung. "Anything else? Cocktail?"

Jisung shook his head warming his cold hands on the cup off coffee. Minho seemed really woozy in the morning, well it was 6 am on a Saturday. But Jisung was as awake as ever.

Minho sat down on a chair opposite of Jisung drinking milk directly from the container. He grimaced and took Jisungs coffee and drank it. Jisung was reviled, he didn't drink coffee.

When Minho had emptied the cup he seemed more aware. He gulped and looked nervously at Jisung pouring another cup of coffee. His eyes were darting around the room trying to find something to look at.

"Um, you wanted to talk?" Minho said after a while of sipping on his second coffee.

"Yes, I wanted to talk about your drug addiction." Jisung admitted and Minho choked on the coffee.

He coughed for almost a minute and when he was finished he looked at Jisung in disbelief. Jisung himself felt that it was weird talking to Minho like this. About normal things, well pretty normal at least. Minho had always seemed cocky and there he was sipping coffee in a butterfly robe.

"I don't get it, you have nothing to do with my drug addiction. It's not your business." Minho mumbled.

"It became my business when I talked to your mum." Jisung said and crossed his arms. "Which drugs do you take?"

"You sound like a psychologist." Minho said flatly, beginning on his third cup of coffee.

"Well I did study to become a psychologist." He shrugged. "Now tell me, which drugs do you take?"

Minho pouted and stared down in his black coffee. It looked like he was choosing between two options and couldn't decide which one to take. Jisung couldn't help but think that he looked adorable pouting like that.

"Marijuana." Minho fumed glaring at a spot on the left side of Jisungs head. "Nothing more."

"Do you have anything here?" Jisung wondered glancing around the kitchen.

"No, Felix threw it all away." Minho spat downing his coffee.

He poured a fourth cup in rage and sipped on it angrily. Jisung hadn't really thought this through. Would he continue having this kind of talks with Minho to make him understand that doing drugs is bad for your body and health? Or would he just go check on Minho now and then to see if he didn't start again? Because Jisung guessed Minho hadn't done drugs for a while now.

"You know that drugs are bad for you." Jisung said gently studying Minho down his fourth cup. "You get dumber by doing drugs."

Minho looked up for a second, then he poured another cup to himself and drank it all at once. Jisung sighed thinking that this was hopeless.

"Your mum really wants you to stop." He tried.

"She doesn't give a shit about me." Minho grunted and stood up starting the coffee machine again.

"She does, she cares about you a lot. The problem is that she doesn't know what to do to help you." Jisung said.

Minho was standing with his back against Jisung. He didn't say anything, he just stood there staring at the coffee dropping. Seconds later he heard Minho sob quietly.

"I miss her." Minho wept crouching down to the floor.

He was trembling slightly as soft sniffles left him. The coffee machine started beeping signaling that the coffee was finished. None of the boys did any attempt to turn it of. One of them kept crying and the other one watched.


I'm so soft that someone could poke me and I would shatter, and I almost cried writing this chapter, I'm soft in the sad way ;(

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