Chapter 21

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Jihoo's P.O.V.

Soon after Ella fell asleep as her breathing even out. I smiled remembering what she was doing earlier. I've always wondered watching those romantic movies and dramas that how can the mighty hero sleep with his  heroine when she is drunk ! But now I understand that things can actually get different sometimes! Hey! Hold on! So did I just compared myself with the hero? That only leaves Ella as my heroine!
I smiled at the thought of this.

I hope whatever she drank doesn't let her remember what happened tonight in the morning. Otherwise she'll be embarrassed to death!


I woke up to some sound to find out Ella writhing and groaning in her sleep. What can this be! I remembered her saying that she can't sleep whenever she's upset. Then Maybe she's having a nightmare.

"Ella?" I called her by name but of no help. She suddenly started crying! I don't know what to do!

I hugged her and held her as closer as possible.
"I'm here, don't worry!" I patted her head.
Shortly After she stopped crying.
I ran my fingers through her hair trying to calm her down. She again fell in deep sleep.

She must have been so scared! Though she forgot for a while because of the drink but seeing her suffering like this I can tell that it'll have a bad impact on her. The way her subconscious mind is on work it clearly defines the extent of her fearfulness!


I woke up to see it's almost morning. Ella is still sleeping in my embrace. As it is already morning she should be alright and I should leave just not to make things awkward. I carefully left her side and went to my room to freshen up.

I came over the kitchen to make nothing but pancakes. Well I guess I need to try new recipes sometimes!

Ella's P.O.V.

I woke up to see it's already morning.

"Aah! Why am I having this much bad headache!" I rubbed her head while walking towards the washroom.

"Gosh! This headache is killing me!" I thought as I  splashed water over my face while the memory from last night hit my head.
My eyes widen to the thought. I can vaguely remember about last night! All I can remember that I went to the washroom when I  lost my way. Then... ah! What happened then. Gosh, this headache! I.. I .. Yeah I remember! They dragged me towards a van.. then ? Then what! What happened then!..... How am I here!

"Oh my God!" My heart dropped a bit out of fear.
I ran out of my room to find Jihoo  making the table.

"Oh! You woke up. Come sit for breakfast." He smiled.

I ran to him.
"How am I here? What happened at the club? And those goons....." I struggled to say further as I  started sobbing.

"Relax, relax. Come down. Nothing happened. I was there in time. Trust me." He tried to console me cupping her face.

"I.... I barely can.... remember anything after leaving somin!" I wept.

"Relax. Don't you trust me? I won't let anything to happen to you. Nothing happened believe me." He wiped my tears.
"Now sit down here." He sat me down holding my shoulders.
"Have some water." He offered me water sitting beside her.

I  drank the water to came down a bit otherwise I can't say anything the way I'm sobbing right now. He took the glass from me .

"Please tell me everything what happened last night." I begged.

"I will. But first let's have breakfast." He said as he stood up.

"Please!" I held his hand with both of my hands. "Please tell me first." I begged.

He took a breath and sat down holding my hands trying to calm me down. He looked worried.

"I was looking for you but couldn't find you but your clutch. I followed outside to find you with... with the goons. They were trying to take you with them when I talked to them and they left." He said.

I couldn't but get clueless.

"Trust me nothing bad happened." He said cupping my face.

I thought for a while. I know he won't lie to me. Not at least now. But if he had approached them did they... oh my God! Did they hurt him!

"Okay.... I believe you.... But are you hurt?" She asked curiously.

He smiled. "No I'm not. They left as I talked to them. They did nothing to me." He said.

"You talked? Did they just leave as you said them to?" I furrowed.

He thought to himself for a while. He looked tensed.

"Tell me! You're not lying, right? They didn't hu..." I was cut off by him.

"No. They didn't do anything to me." He said holding my hands. "Now tell me are you alright?"

I huffed. "Yeah I'm alright. I was scared to death... I'm just having a very bad headache!" I said rubbing my head.

"No wonder! You shouldn't have drink that much last night." He said patting my hand.

"Drink? I don't drink ! I only had a soft drink. I even asked the waiter that I'll have a soft one when he chose me one. He said that was soft drink that's why I took it." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Wait.. he gave you one?"

"Yeah. He handed me."

"Before you asking for one?"

"Hm!" I nodded.

"And you took it?" His eyes widen. His eyes somehow reflects anger. What did u say to make him angry.

"Yeah.." I said confusingly.

"You shouldn't have! You should never take something people willingly offering you at such places. And specifically from strangers!"

"Are.. you angry at me?" I asked nervously.

"No! I'm not angry at you! I'm worried! How can you be so naive. Then might be that drink was sp..." he didn't finish the sentence.


He looked at me worryingly and thought for a while.
"Nothing. Forget it. I'm glad you're okay. Now let's have the breakfast. We need to go to the camp remember?"

"But ....." I was about to ask him to finish what he was saying but that won't help. He'll never say it if he's not willing to.

"Yeah okay." I nodded.

Let's Fall in love (Jihoo's Love Story) (Boys over flower)Where stories live. Discover now