Chapter 28: Shoto's Mom

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Guys I am on a roll today with chapters, I had so many ideas and it was a snow day from work so i just sat here and edited and created like 5 chapters!! 

I love my like 15 peeps who read my thought vomit!


Reader POV

Shoto and I had decided going to the hospital where is mom was at would be best in the early afternoon. He had called ahead to make sure it was okay that we visited.

My mother had offered to drive us but Shoto kindly refused, he said the walk to prepare would be nice and if things went south the walk home would help him calm down.... I met him outside wearing jeans a blue tank top and cardigan and a pair of converse. I grabbed his hand immediately, seeing the nervous look he wore on his usually stoic face.

"You got this....I'll be there all the way." He looked at me and smiled nervously.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

We went on our way walking and talking about all of the good memories he had in his short time with his mother, watching the sports festival, watching videos on All Might, cooking together. Shoto had it harder then his siblings but for a brief time his mother was that shining light, that made him feel normal. He looked at me.

"When I was a kid my mother was my everything, she was my best friend and my savior.....when i was with her and when we would go to the park and play with other kids she made me feel like a normal child, being with her made my life bearable until the incident...." i gave him a sad smile.

"Well Shoto I hope she is still the wonderful person you knew as a child. I know first hand people can change and people can break. I hope she's better then you remember I hope she can be your mom again." I saw a tear come to his eye. I wiped away kissing him on the cheek.

"Thanks Terra." We walked awhile longer until we reached the front of the hospital. Shoto stopped dead in his tracks fear flashing across his face. I gave him a little tug.

"Come on Todo, I'm right here with you." He gave me a small nod as we headed into the hospital and went straight to the door that said Todoroki. He started to get that look on his face again, he was so afraid his mother still despised him..... I grabbed his face with my one hand. "Todo you won't ever know until you see her again, take a deep breath and just open the door, I'll be right behind you we will deal with what may come if it does, but right now I know you want to see her.." He nodded again in silence and took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment... He immediately grabbed the door and began to open it as he stepped inside.

The woman sitting up on her bed was staring outside, but she was so beautiful with white hair just like Shoto's. She was perhaps one of the most beautiful women i had ever seen in my life. When she looked our way her brown eyes stared right at Shoto as her eyes widened, the shock I imagine of her son visiting her for the first time ever.

"Shou? Shou? is that really you?" The way she said his name struck a cord and he looked back at me with tears in his eyes as i nudged him forward. I wanted to give them some privacy but he grabbed my hand before I could leave. He then looked over at the woman, she was waiting for him to speak.

".....Yes mom, it me Shoto." She immediately ripped her blanket off of her bed and ran to him hugging him. She was touching him all over hugging him from every angle crying.

"My baby is finally here! I have been waiting so long Shou to see you! You've gotten so big you just turned sixteen a month ago! How have you gotten so big?! And so handsome my goodness!!!" He was so surprised by her actions he couldn't hold in his surprise.

" wanted to see me...?" She separated from him slowly and bowed her head at him.

"I have been wanting to apologize and ask for your forgiveness for years Shou, I was a terrible mother to you and what I did to you will never be undone, but i thought you hated me and rightfully so! I was so upset for what I had done to you, but they put me in here and you never came to see me.....I am so sorry Shou I can't ask for forgiveness enough!" Shoto went over to his mother and brought her up straight so he could look at her, Shoto was slightly taller and she just looked at him in amazement.

"I have never hated you for what you did mom.....there was nothing to forgive, I always thought that i would bring you pain by coming to see you.....but recently actually making friends and seeing how a family should be made me realize.....I missed you regardless if you would have hated me or threw things at me....I missed you so much.....I missed my mom....." He hugged her close to which she returned just as tightly.... They stayed like that for a few minutes as his mother cried into his shoulder holding the son she had thought she lost forever. I was smiling so hard my face was starting to hurt tearing up at this beautiful reunion. 

"I have my baby back, oh thank god.....your really here its not just a dream, my boy is here...."

They separated again to which his mother grabbed him by the shoulders and looked over at me wiping the tears from her eyes...

"And who is this beautiful girl you have with you....?" She looked at me up and down. He walked over to me and grabbed me by the hand bringing me over to his mom.

"Mom, this is Terra, she's my girlfriend, I met her at UA this year." was the first time I was hearing it out loud, but it felt so right to hear it. She grabbed my one hand noticing the obviously missing one as I had my cardigan rolled up.

"Thank you." I looked at her confused by her thanking me. She smiled warmly at me. "Shoto was always a sweet boy but I had been told so many times by his father and siblings how hurt and changed he was after what I had done, it stuck with me..... I thought I had killed that sweet boy inside him when I had hurt him...... Whenever I got to see pictures he never smiled and his older sister had told me he shut everyone out and I can tell just by looking at you that you pulled him out of that." Shoto nodded.

"She did, she never judged me or cared about who dad was, she just cared about me." My face was turning from embarrassment as I was being complimented left and right. I smiled

"Shoto did that for me as well. He has done so much for me....he was the first friend I made at UA.....and if you want to see some happy pictures of him...I have a ton!"

After that we talked for hours with his mother, about his life, the friends he had made, the attacks on the class, everything. I showed her pictures of our day at the beach of school and of us standing together with our medals from the sports festival to the dinner the night before. She listened and chimed in very motherly when anything dangerous came up. She asked my questions about myself to which I answered truthfully, she listened to my stories as well from Stain to my mother and father. We laughed and had fun and enjoyed our visit with her. We stayed until visiting hours were over. Shoto and I were gathering our things together and saying our good byes. She hugged me first and whispered in my ear.

"Thank you.....for all you have done for him." I smiled and nodded.

Next she moved onto Shoto hugging him for a long time. He looked at her and smiled. "Mom, I'll be visiting every week and one day I hope very soon, I'll take you out of here." She smiled and nodded, she knew she still needed more progress and that the PTSD and anxiety was hard to deal with, but we would get her out as soon as we could.

"I expect to see this lovely girl once in a while when you come to visit." We both nodded and he hugged her one last time.

"I'll see you after the Summer camp Mom." She nodded again and with that we left. Shoto was happy the whole way home smiling ear to ear.

It was totally worth it.

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