Cheers, Here's To Love

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Hello there, this is my first story I'm posting and I genuinely hope people like and read it :) Don't be too hard on me. Comments and all that other cool stuff would be veryyyy much appreciated <3

-Niall's Point Of View-

It's been a long night. God, I'm bloody beat. I just want to peel my clothes off and crawl beneath my covers. I shoved my hands in my pockets. It's another chilly night in London. The streets are slick with rain and I'm speed walking through some sketchy allies. Not a smart idea but it's the fastest way home. I'm a big boy, I can handle these mean streets.

I check the watch on my wrist. It's nearly eleven PM. I shouldn't have stayed at Liam's for so long. I knew I'd have to walk down this way alone at night. If you owned a car, you wouldn't have this problem Niall, I tell myself.

I wish I had my iPod. It's eerily quiet. Some noise of some sort would be nice. When it's quiet, you have too much time to think and in this situation I would prefer not to. Immediately, scary thoughts begin to bounce around in my head. I could get raped. My poor virgin bum could allure some sick pervert and they'll rip me apart. Let's hope some bastard isn't in the mood for Irish meat tonight. I could get mugged. And if the mugger isn't satified with my twenty-two quid he could decide to beat the crap out of me. The negativity need to stop, I scold myself. I need to stop the insanity. I shake myself.

Fuck, it's freezing. I cup my hands in front of my mouth and exhale warm breath into them before sticking them back in my pockets.

As I approach the last alley, I hear it. The sound of someone in pain. It sounds like someone's struggling and I don't hesitate to run to whoever is in need. I sprint through the alleyway until I hear the groans and laughter become louder.

I spot them, three big burly looking guys against one. Stupid little me decides to intervene.

"Hey! Stop! Leave him alone!" I yell running over like the Superman I think I am. Boy, am I sorely mistaken.

"Run along kid." This guy head to toe in black warns me, face covered in piercings. Wow, I feel bad for this guy's mother.

"I said leave him alone!" I shout not backing down despite my smarter instincts screaming at me to run away and mind my own business.

All the guys turn to stare at me, even the bloodied up kid on the ground. They gape at me like I've sprouted a dick on my forehead. Suddenly I don't feel so brave. My knees don't seem to support me, my palms go slick, and I try to remember whatever self-defense techniques I can. Shit, is that my heart beat pounding in my ears?

"Leave Blondie, I can take care of myself." The kid on the ground coughs.

The three guys laugh. One of them gives him a swift kick in the groin and without another thought I jump on top of the kid and absorb the next blow. Someone's fist connects with my jaw. I could feel warm metallic liquid spread in my mouth. Another kick to my stomach and I'm seeing stars as if I'm Roger Rabbit.

The kid looks at me incredulous.

"Go away Blondie! I can handle this on my own." He says, his voice hoarse.

I glare into his dark eyes. They're in denial. He raises an eyebrow at me. Almost faster than my eyes can follow, the kid punches one of the guys in the stomach, another in the nose and the third one right in the crotch. Woah, he can fight. I served as a pretty good distraction. Nice to see I wasn't completely usueless.When the guys are long gone, the kid turns to me. I can't imagine how I look to him. Wide-eyed, weak, wimpy. He wipes the blood from his nose. It's too dark for me to get a good look at him but he's got on a leather jacket with a white t-shirt and black jeans.

"See? Told you I could handle it." He says, his voice breathless.

"With all due respect, you were getting your ass beat." I mumble trying to flex my jaw.

"I'm not a damsel in distress okay?"


"I'm not some defenseless kid that needs saving either, okay?"

"I said okay."

He kneels down beside me. Both our backs supported by the brick building. I watch the kid deflate beside me. He's relieved. Frankly so am I. That's the last time I try to play superhero.

"That was brave Blondie." He finally says to me.

"It was dumb. I have a cellphone, I could've called-"

"I would've been too mangled up by the time you could've called anyone."

"I'm an idiot."

"You're not. You're one in a million Blondie. Not many people have the 

balls to save a stranger."

"I thought you said you didn't need saving."

He chuckles slightly. I watch him pull a cigarette out, he offers me the pack but I shake my head. When he uses the lighter it illuminates his face.

Now, I'm extra glad I jumped in to save him. It really would've been a shame if they ruined that perfect face. His jet black hair is styled up so badass. It's his skin though, his soft looking tan skin is what catches my eye. I wonder what his cheek would feel like beneath my fingers. I want to press my own cheek against his just to feel it. His lips are so plush looking too, I wonder if he's a good kisser? I blush, thank the lord this guy can't read my thoughts.

"What're you doing out here all alone?" The kid asks exhaling smoke.

"Stayed late at a friend’s house. I was walking home."

"C’mon," He stands up and offers me his free hand. I grasp it thankfully. He hauls me up. "I'll walk you home."

I'm about to object but he reaches his hand up to silence me.

"I owe you, so let me do this." He says finishing his cigarette. He tosses it over his shoulder.

I sigh and begin to walk home again, this time with my new friend...? It occurs to me that I don't even know his name.

"I'm Niall." I blurt out.

"Niall..." He tries it out with a little smirk. It's kinda sexy the way he says it. And Niall isn't exactly the sexiest name if I'm being honest.

"Yeah, Niall Horan. And you would be?" I prompt.

"Zayn Malik." He says hesitantly.

Sooooo, that's it for the first chapter! The next ones will be longer. I'm actually unsure how long stories are suppposed to be so bear with me :) Tell me what you think? The real romance is coming up as well as Liam, Louis and harry so no worries!

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