Look Alive, Sunshine

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Helloooo darlings :) I made this chapter pretty long and I did my best trying to make it all understandable so I hope it shows! I absolutely adore your comments so keep them coming! They make my day! Vote or fan if you feel like it, I'd appreciate if you did! Thanks for the fantastic support.

You are all lovely. xxxxxx

Enjoy. xx

P.S The pic on the side is Niall's doctor :)

-Niall's Point of View-

Floating in the magical land of anesthesia is morbid and eerie. Am I dead or am I alive? I can't tell.

I feel Alice falling down the rabbit hole.

"What if I should fall right through the center of the earth and come up the other side where people walk upside down?"

Silly Alice.

I can't stay here teetering back and forth forever, not when someone's waiting for me on the other side. The side that makes sense.

I let myself feel.

Cold. My body feels so stiff and achey. I could hear hushed whispers. It's all sort of a blur and dream-like. Only it's like I've been asleep for ages. What's in my nose? Something is shoved in my nostrils and it doesn't take me long to decide I don't like it. I can see a bright light through my closed eyelids. Where the hell am I? Then I hear the steady beeps of a heart monitor. Like Frankenstein, I'm on a hospital bed, but at least I'm not strapped down.

The hospital.

I'm almost afraid to open my eyes. But I need some answers. Slowly I willed my lids to open. The lights burned my sensitive retinas. A few blinks to adjust, then everything was clear.

Pastel green walls, very ugly. Beeping heart monitor, very annoying. Itchy blankets and a hard mattress, very uncomfortable. Definitely a hospital. I'm in here for a reason. I'm the victim. But of what?

"Oh thank heavens you're awake!" The brown haired lad gently hugged me and I could feel the sting in my chest where he'd brushed up against me.

I stared at him for a few seconds. His brown eyes were waiting for my response.

"Niall...Say something!" He says shaking me.

"Liam." I simply sigh.

He's here all alone.

"I thought you had amnesia or something. You scared me to bits." Liam scolded clutching his chest above his heart.

My thoughts are all jumbled, my throat is raspy and my stomache is empty. I need food. Now. Yet, I feel like I'm missing something major.

"Niall, can you tell me what happend?" Liam asks sitting on the navy blue arm chair placed beside my bed.

I rip the tube out of my nose. Ah, that's much better. I glance at the IV in my arm but Liam raises a stern eyebrow.

"My head's hurting right now Liam. Can you just get me some food?" I whine.

"This is important Niall." Liam says getting serious.

"How am I to focus with an empty stomache?" I complain.

"Fine. I'll be right back." Liam relents.

Why was I here....? And where the hell is Louis at a time like this? Probably still getting stepped on by Harry....

It all locks into place.


The heart rate monitor begins to go haywire as my heart races. I kick the thin hospital sheet off me and try to get up from the bed when the IV in my arm reminds me I'm bound here.

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