Counting The Seconds 'Til You're Back

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Hello loves :) This is more of a filler chapter but I hope you like the cute little Larry moment in the end. I want to thank those of you who CONSISTENTLY comment and vote. I mean fuck, you guys are so damn amazing.

ALSO if you could tell me what your FAVORITE PART or CHAPTER FROM THE ENTIRE STORY IS, I would greatly appreciate it and I might possibly maybe dedicate the next chapter to you ;)

(My fave chapter is Speak Low If You Speak Love which is the third chapter!)

Enjoy. xx

-Zayn's Point of View-

"Niall! Where are you going baby?" I shout as Niall skips off ahead of me.

He glances over his shoulder at me before walking into the dark woods. What the hell is he doing?

"Niall! Wait for me!" I run after him but I can't see or him anymore.

I sprint through the thick forest. The scent of pine is everywhere and I constantly trip over fallen branches. My frustration grows each time I heave myself up. My clothes are becoming torn and muddy with each time I smack the ground. Has the sun gone down as well? The trees are so tall they block out the sun light.

The fifth time I fall, I stay on the ground.

Niall appears before me, beautiful as ever in a white t-shirt and jeans. The look on his face is alarming. It isn't right. His normally ice blue eyes are dark, his lips turned down into a scowl and his brows are creased.

Why would he look at me that way?

"Niall! Why'd you run from me?" I ask scrambling to my feet.

I reach for him and he pulls away.

"I don't want you anymore."

"You're lying."

"You aren't good for me."

"No you don't! You don't mean it!"

"I do. At least I'd be safe with Harry." He growls.

I flinch. I've never heard Niall speak that way.

"Stop following me and let me go." He enunciates every syllable.

He turns to leave.


I wake up in a cold sweat.

"Shut the fuck up pretty boy!" The bloke in the next cell snaps.

I'm still gasping. Damn. The last time I felt like this is when I quit doing drugs. I had terrible withdrawal symptoms. Niall. I need him. I would rather my heart break a thousand times than leave Niall. What we’ve been through makes us stronger as a couple. It isn’t a reason to leave him. Does that make me selfish? Staying here? Putting Niall in danger just because I'm not strong enough to leave him? He could’ve died and there’s nothing I could’ve done.

I shuddered. I couldn’t bear it if Niall died. My chest tightens even thinking about it. I would follow him, there isn’t a question about it. There isn’t anything here for me besides him. It’ll always be Niall and no one else. I would die and no one would understand why because you can’t see a broken heart.

I sat up on the thin cot. It's pitch black dark and I could hear the drip of pipe water in the distance.

I still can't believe that dream. What could it possibly mean? There can't be any truth in it. Perhaps it's my mind subliminally telling me that I'm afraid of losing Niall. Why else would I have such a dream?

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