You're A Hot Mess

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I'm pretty excited for all of you to read this chapter! I worked hard on it and I think I needed to spice up the plot. So pretty please fan, vote and comment! I'd love to hear what you think should happen or what you think of the story so far! Thanks and enjoy the chapter babes. xx 


- Zayn's Point of View -

There's nothing I can do to get the last picture of Niall out of my head. His face frozen in panic is the image I'm going to have to live with.

I've been trying to convince myself that things are better off this way. That Niall would find someone that'll be worthy of him. My Blondie deserves that. My? Yes, I do believe he was mine for that night I slept with my arms wrapped lazily around him.

Without wanting to, I can see him. His blonde hair shining like silver at night. His sparkling eyes that make you forget there's a big world around you but you're too distracted with the boy the eyes belong to. And you don't mind. There's the way his fair skin looks against my darker skin. The way his cheeks flush a charming crimson.

There's the way that he looked at me when I let him know that without the influence of alcohol clouding my head, I still think he's stunning.

"Zayn? You've barely touched your food." Harry says sheepishly.

I look down at the inoffensive food. Harry's a great cook. Tonight he made pasta. Italian's his favorite. Niall likes food.

"I'm just not very hungry."

Harry sets down his fork and I wince as the silverware clinks loudly against the ceramic plate.

"Something's up...not sure what but obviously something." Harry says.

When I look up across the small table, I meet Harry's accusing green eyes.

Harry. I've given everyone I know a good reason to go. Harry's been the only one crazy enough to stick around. He's my best mate and I genuinely love the cheeky bastard. I met Harry when we were both still young teenagers. Things were different then. It was before everything I knew went to hell.

You'd think I'd be absolutely hopelessly in love with Harry but it isn't that way.

Harry's got natural charm and allure for days. He's approachable. The boys and girls flock to him. I, on the other hand, am not as sociable as Harry. We balance each other out I like to think.

I went through things that changed me. Harry stuck beside me and I'll never be able to repay him for all he's done.

"Zayn? Why are you...looking at that?" He says in his awkward slow way.

"I love you Harry, you know that?"

"You aren't in love with me. Are you?"

"No! I just love you mate." I half smile.

"I love you too." Harry smiled.

A long pause passes between us.

"You remember the way I used to be?" I ask looking down at my untouched food.


"Do you?" I press.

Harry bites the inside of his bottom lip with a thoughtful look on his features.

"I do remember. Why does it matter? I thought you and I were living the life. The past is past right?" Harry said.

"I met someone and it's made me reevaluate things." I confess.

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