Speak Low If You Speak Love

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Here it is, Zayn's point of view. I hope you love it :) Comment, vote, fan and all that  incredible stuff <3 Feel free to message me as well!

-Zayn's Point Of View-

"Blondie? I can't hear you when you mumble like that." I chuckle adjusting myself on the stool I'm sitting on.

I try to pull his hands away from his face but he won't look at me. What did he just say? Maybe it was drunken talk. I don't want him hiding those sweet eyes from me.

Perhaps I should've thanked him and gone my separate way. Just because he saved me doesn't mean he's obliged to spend time with me. Even if it looks like he wants me here. Who am I kidding? No, I don't think I could've left him even if I truly wanted to. There's something about this little blonde boy with piercing blue eyes. Something that makes me want to protect him from all the bad things in the world.

I sigh deeply. I feel intense shit for this kid. Intensity like that scares people away. I really don't want to scare Niall away.

My hand finds its way to Niall's silky blonde hair. I can see his dark brown roots. So he's not a true blonde eh? That doesn't matter to me so much. As long as his innocent eyes stayed their true blue. He’s adorable.

And he thinks I'm beautiful. I've been called 'hot' and 'sexy' but beautiful isn't a compliment I get too often. I think my heart swelled like the Grinch when Niall called me that. The way he said it was like...like he was in love with me. I know it's way too early for those kind of feelings but isn't there a possibility that it could lead there?  He does find me beautiful.

I can easily become obsessed with this boy. Well, I could if he'd let me. I hope he would. I want to know everything about him.

What does he like to do? What's his favorite movie? What makes him cry? What does he dream of? Has he ever fancied another lad before? What was his first kiss like? Has he ever been in love? What kind of music does he like?

These were questions to ask once he's sober. I looked at him now, his hands dropped from his face and he gave me this goofy smile that made me laugh. I don't remember the last time I laughed this much.  Blondie's blue eyes are lidded as if he's sleepy.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours Blondie?" I ask.

"I wonder what you look like naked." He says stroking his chin like it's the great mystery of life. I like that he's having sexual thoughts about me. I more than like it.

"Well Niall, I'd be happy to show you but I doubt you'd remember by tomorrow love."

"Awwww. Can we pretend like the world is ending? Now hurry Zayn! You have to show me your naked body!" He says climbing over the counter and grabbing my face with both his hands. His hypnotic eyes hold mine, demanding my attention.

I began to laugh. I laughed so much it made me cry. I couldn't even catch my breath, it was so funny. Niall isn't a very good actor but watching him try is absolutely amusing.

"Don't laugh at me." He whined.

"I'm just laughing at how incredibly cute you are." I assured him.

"Well Mr. Malik, I believe it's now my turn to ask you a few things." Niall says straightening straightening the fitted red polo shirt hes wearing.

He's sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce on the counter in front of me. He clears his throat but with his droopy eyes, he still looks drunk as hell. So far I like Savior Niall as much as I like Drunk Niall. I want to experience every single shade of Niall there is. Don't I sound greedy? I smile to myself.

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