Let My Love Find You

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Hello m'loves :) I figured it was time for Ziall to have a little time of pure bliss. Kind of like the calm before the storm since you know, I like to stir things up lol We still don't know what's going on with Harry and if I remember correctly Louis has a girlfriend at Uni! And Liam is in the middle of all that somewhere hah That's all comin up in the next chapter! So enjoy the fluffy smut!

Keep being fucking fantastic and I'll keep writing :) xx



-Niall's Point of View-

I have a boyfriend. That boyfriend is Zayn. It makes all the loneliness I've been through worthwhile. I have someone who thinks about me and cares for me, I can't process that. I want to do all that cute crap with him too. The calling him at four in the morning, cuddling while watching movies, cuddling without clothes on....

I've got to admit, taking a shower with Zayn might be my new favorite thing to do besides, well, doing Zayn. I bagged myself a Bradford Bad Boy!

Zayn and I dried off and just lied in his bed in our boxers.

I think we've been snogging for an hour. Possibly even longer, I have no clue. Zayn's got such soft, full lips and he makes these little noises every now and then that just...make me happy.

You'd think it'd be awkwardly quiet with us snogging but I'm too wrapped up in Zayn to care.

"How's your bum feeling?" I ask when we pause to breath.

"I won't know til tomorrow but I don't reckon I'll be able to walk." He chuckles pushing the hair off my forehead.

Zayn is less bad boy and more cute kid without his signature quiff.

"I like your hair like this." I smile.

He grins and hides his face in the crook of my neck. He begins to kiss below my ear, when my stomache growls like a bloody T-Rex.

"Let me make you something to eat." Zayn laughs.

We're sitting in the living room eating waffles from scratch and sunny-side up eggs. Zayn's not a bad cook.

"I've learned a thing or two from Harry. He's quite the cook." Zayn admits.

"Tell me-Um...tell me about the blokes that were after you the night we met."

He chews on the inside of his lower lip thoughtfully.

"When I was younger and stupider, I was in a gang." He begins.

I continue eating while he speaks.

"It was when my parents kicked me out. I stayed with Harry's family for a while but I felt like a burden."

"Then you joined a gang?"

"They offered me protection and a sort of brotherhood. It's dumb, I know. We did awful things and after a while, I decided I was done with it." Zayn sighs putting his plate on the coffee table.

"How did you get out of there?" I ask setting my empty plate down beside his.

"At first, they told me there was no getting out. They kicked my arse pretty rough for even suggesting it. So I just up and left without a warning or goodbye." He tried to sound like he couldn't care less but really, he sounds afraid.

"What else is it...?" I ask knowing there's more.

"The only way out is death. They want to kill me. I don't know how they found me." His voice cracks revealing the chink in his Bad Boy armor.

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