Don't You Want Me?

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First off, I'm out of my mind happy that you guys fan and vote and comment. I know its a drag to do those things but you still do it and I love you guys for it! Please continue being fucking awesome and supportive! You guys are wonderful. xx

(PS. If you're bored, check out my new Narry story!)

(P.P.S I have a feeling there will be Ziall lovin' in the next chapter!)


-Niall's Point of View-

My dick is still tingling from Zayn's touch. I get it, he's hammered and when you're hammered you do stupid shit. Like fighting security guards and confessing your love for people you just met. He's drunk and I'm just not prepared for that. Sex, I mean. As much as I thought I wanted to get laid tonight, I'm wrong. If I'm not going to wait until marriage I should at least wait for love.

I drive home thinking about Zayn. Would he call me tomorrow? Would he remember everything from tonight? If everything he said is true then has to call me right?

Quickly, I park and head to the elevator. I nod at Christian the receptionist like always.

Before the elevator doors close I stop the door and stick my head out.

"I'm sorry about telling you to 'fuck off' this morning!" I call.

"It's fine Niall. People have said worse!" He shouts to me with an errant wave.

I smile and let the doors shut.

What the hell should I feel at this point? A mood ring would be nice right about now. Confused. That's what I am.

I open the apartment door and I'm a little surprised at what I find. Liam is watching the telly while Louis and the cute curly-headed boy from the club are sitting in the kitchen clearly still drunk.

"Welcome home Irish Prince!" Louis shouts. "This is Harry!"

"Hello Niall, you're even more handsome in this fluorescent lighting."  The curly-headed boy smiles.

"Thank you. How's your nose?" I ask stepping closer.

"It's fine. Zayn was quite jealous." He smiles at me sweetly.

Those dimples are so fucking adorable. And his green eyes are so damn green.

"He was. Did he...tell you about me?" I ask remembering Zayn tell me that Harry was his only friend and also his roommate.

"Yes! He wouldn't shut up about you. But I had no idea it was you when I laid eyes on you babe." Harry said flirtatiously.

Did Lou look disappointed? His dark blue eyes seem a bit sad. What? I shook my head, I'm seeing things.

"I'm not sure what to say." I smile awkwardly.

I walk over to sober old Liam.

"Why's he here?" I whisper talking about Harry.

"We needed his car and he was too drunk to drive or tell me where he lives." Liam said. "You mind if I crash on your couch?" He adds.

I shrug not caring.

I walk to the kitchen for a snack. I'm so bloody famished. I munch on cold pizza and reflect on these past two days. What a fuckin emotional rollercoaster. I can't even process the things from tonight.

My sexy Bradford Bad Boy fell apart at the seams just an hour ago.

To see him on his knees like that...It doesn't fix what he's done but maybe it really did affect him as bad as it affected me. Could he have gone through the same unbearable heartbreak? It's tough to imagine but not impossible.

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