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Hey guys, I just waned to thank those who voted and commented :) It really motivates me to know that at least somebody is reading this story. So here's an early update. Enjoy Niall's temper! Thanks again babes xx

Oh and btw, for those still pissed about what Zayn did in the last chapter, don't fret. You'll see what he's dealing with in the next chapter! <3

-Niall's Point of View-

Let me backtrack here. I was eating a fantastic breakfast with a handsome boy I saved, then spent the drunken night with, and now he's gone. Poof. Disappeared. Shit, it's like the punch line for a bad joke. On top of that, he didn't even leave me his number. So there's a possibility that I might never even see him again. Things turned to crap so fast it's giving me whiplash.

Now I'm sitting here in a diner with my cold food by myself like a total fucking loser. It's probably noon by now.

I just stare at his half eaten omelet.

Was I not good enough? Not cool enough? Not hot enough? What did I do wrong?

If I hadn't drank myself to oblivion last night he wouldn't have had to babysit me. I feel so stupid. That has to be it. I'm too immature. I can barely hold my alcohol. I forced him stay the night with me like I'm some kind of baby that needs constant attention and coddling.

"Excuse me...?" A meek voice catches my attention.

Oh it's just Natalie the waitress.

"I'm sorry, I've been sitting here too long. I'll pay and go right now-"

"No, stay as long as you want. Business isn't exactly booming." She jokes.

The place is absolutely empty. At least there's no audience to witness my misery.

"Thanks, I really should go."

Natalie sits down where Zayn was sitting. That's Zayn's seat. I frown.

"Are you alright?" She asks.

What the fuck does she care? Does she want to know if Zayn's single now so she can chase him down? Was Zayn ever really mine to begin with? I guess she didn't see that I caught her eye-screwing him earlier.

The sensible part of my brain urges me to be polite.

"Are you okay...?" She questions again leaning over the table toward me.

Does it look like I'm fucking okay? I just got ditched for god's sakes!

"I'm fine. Where can I pay the bill?" I ask not able to meet the girl's eyes

"Oh, the guy you were with covered the bill."

Dammit, he didn't even let me pay for my meal. I looked down at my food, might as well finish it.  I begin to eat again.

"Here, let me at least warm it up for you." Natalie says picking up my plate.

"Okay." I simply say.

In a minute she's back and I dig into my food. I'll always have food. Food will never wake up and decide I'm not hot or cool enough to eat it. Natalie places a pretty chocolate milkshake beside me with whip cream and a cherry on top.

"You don't have to-"

"I insist. It's on me, don't worry."

"You get a lot of broken-hearted guys in here?" I ask finally peering into her gray eyes.

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