Sweat It Out

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Hey all :) Can't thank you enough for reading and voting and commenting this story. I still can't believe anyone gives a crap about this so it makes me pretty fuckin' overjoyed to see you guys continue to support it haha (Sorry if my cursing offends you lol)

But honestly, it means a lot.

Enjoy the chapter! xx


-Harry's Point of View-

"Why didn't you tell me?" Niall asks Louis after the silence becomes unbearable. His voice sounds worn and beaten.

"Because I'm unsure! I still don't know what I feel or what I want!" Lou is still angry.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"

"No, you shouldn't have." Louis snaps.

"Don't you fucking talk to him like that." Zayn threatens.

"What're you gonna do? Get drunk then kick my arse?" Lou challenges.

Zayn takes a step forward but Niall grabs his arm. I watch Niall whisper in Zayn's ear and Zayn visibly relaxes. Jealousy courses through my veins.

I feel like an intruder this entire time. As if I shouldn’t be witnessing this fight. At the same time, I’m a big part of this. I can’t think of anything of relevance to say while I stand here like some nosy spectator.

"He was trying to help you since you've seemed to have fallen under Harry's spell." Zayn says looking Louis straight in the eye.

I cringe at the mention of my name.

"Whole lot of good that did." I hear Niall mumble.

I find my voice and try to put an end to all of it.

"I shouldn't have written the note in the first place." I say shaking my head.

They all look at me, expecting me to say more. What more can I say? Admit my infatuation with the blue-eyed angel staring at me? What can I say to Louis? Sorry, you've got a fit body but I fancy your mate? There isn't anything I can say to save the situation.

"And you." Niall walks over to me. My heart leaps into my throat.

"You fucked my best mate, say my name while doing it and all the while you still leave me a note? I don't want you! Don't you get it?" Niall says enunciating every word, his eyes regard me with disgust.

It's like a new puncture in my heart with each word that falls out of his mouth. How can such a beautiful boy say such ugly things? I want to crawl into a ball and disappear. This empty feeling forms in my stomache spreading to chest.

"Niall, that's enough." Zayn says.

"Can't you see we're happy? And now you've broken my best mate's heart but he'd be too proud to admit it. What do you have to say for yourself?" Niall continues his tirade.

His blue eyes bore into mine. Up close I can see the love bites that no doubt Zayn has given him. What would it be like to graze my teeth against his pale skin?

"You're right. I want you. Because I can't have you. In the club, you got away and I just....I can't let it go." I attempt to explain but no matter how I phrase it, it won't make sense to anyone.

"What? So it's a game to you?" Niall looks at me like I'm the foulest thing on earth. I might as well be.

"Don't hate me. I'm sorry. Really sorry." Sorry. It seems like such an overused phrase as of lately. We’ve diminished its meaning.

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