What I've Been Waiting For

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Just want to thank all the people that support this story! It's raddest thing reading your comments and reactions to what I've written. I could go on for ages about how fucking fantastic you guys are. You're all lovelyv every single one of you. You are appreciated. :) Anyways, as long as you want this story going, I'll keep writing it!

Warningggg! This is chapter is PRETTY fluffy and smutty! So head's up if you're not into that! You've been warned!

And since you guys have been so awesome, this chapter is extra long and includes a little surprise in the end...Hope this chapter holds you up til my next update! xx

-Zayn's Point Of View-

He said he was coming. Relief flooded through my entire body. He wouldn't come if he didn't still feel something for me. I'm nervous and anxious for him to walk through my door. Niall did sound sort of pleasant on the phone, possibly even forgiving? I don't know....

I broke down in front of him. He knows everything I didn't want him to know.

At least there's nothing left to hide.

I went off the deep end. I can only hope Harry is fine and that he'll be forgiving as I hope Niall is. I normally fight for Harry, not against him.

I hit my best mate, beat up security guards, groveled for Niall and professed my love for him. It's been quite a night.

And I can't forget my poor seduction skills as I stuck my hand down Niall's pants. Damn. I only remember desperately wanting him. In the bathroom, I splash cold water on my face and fix my crazy hair. I'm brushing my teeth when I hear a knock on the door.

I can feel my heart pounding in every part of my body.

With a deep breath, I unlock the door.

Niall stands there with his hands behind his back. He's so cute in his black basketball shorts and white t-shirt. His blonde hair is all mussed up and his lovely blue eyes are so....perfect.

"You're so perfect." I stand there in awe.

"Are you gonna have me standing in the doorway all night?" He asks with a smile.

I laugh and let him inside.

He's tired. Why wouldn't he be? It's 3 AM. I grab his hand and lead him to my room. I don't bother with a tour of the apartment. It's just a normal boring fucking apartment.

I begin to shed my clothes.

"You have tattoos?" Niall stares at my chest and my arms.

I nod solemnly.

He walks over to me and touches every single one of them. His hands are a little cold and it makes me shiver. He smiles at my reaction.

"I'm really sorry Niall..." I whisper.

"Shhh..." He wraps his arms around my torso placing his head against my bare shoulder burying his face against my neck.

I held him close. This overwhelming burst of love and passion and adoration spread throughout me.

"I love you." I whisper against his blonde hair.

He leans back to look up at me, maybe to scan my face for any sign of insincerity. His gorgeous eyes shined with tears that threatened to fall.

"No, don't cry." I held his face.

"Kiss me." He demanded.

I did. I kissed away every bad feeling he could have. I kissed away every thought that made him feel like he was anything less than perfect.

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