Damned If I Do, Damned If I Don't

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Hey all :) I wanna thank those of you who take the time to vote and comment and even more for giving this story a chance. You don't know how happy that makes me! This chapter is dedicated to @iluvvampires123 for being so damn supportive! Pretty please keep voting and commenting, those things make my day! Enjoy the chapter! Thanks loves. xx

P.S- Do you guys like this story cover better than the old one?? Lemme know!

-Niall's Point of View-

What the fuck...I'm not drunk enough to handle what's going on. The situation in front of me sobers me up completely, not that I’ve even touched a drink yet tonight but after what happened, I probably won’t.

I didn't plan on getting hit on by some really attractive lad. I'd thought the only guy I'd be into was Zayn. But this confident cheeky lad with a dimpled smile was doing a fine job wooing me. I couldn't hear a thing he was saying but I could read his body language.

I was hesitant at first. I just had my heart stomped on but Louis' advice rung clear in my head. Find someone hot and bang it out. I don't care that my first time wouldn't be special. I just want to get the dirty deed done with. I'm sick of being a virgin and this bloke looked like he's been around the block a few times if you know what I mean.

On the dance floor, the cute lad held me close against him and his hand went beneath the back of my white button-up shirt, tracing my spine. I shivered. He smiled charmingly. His lips are this very sexy shade of pink. He raised a suggestive eyebrow at me and unbuttoned the first four buttons of my shirt so my chest was exposed. I blushed madly.

The boy's seductive dark green eyes held mine and I felt like I was in for something bigger than I had anticipated. I've heard of lust before but I've never seen it directed in my, well, direction. Let me tell you, it's fucking hot.

His eyes shut and he leaned in for a kiss. Instead the boy was yanked back by the shoulder by Zayn "Bradford Bad Boy" Malik.

It's like some shit straight out of a movie. It happend so fast and my stomache started bubbling. I watched Zayn wind his fist back and it happend in the blink of an eye.

I stared in complete horror as the boy on the floor bled profusely through his nose while security tried to haul Zayn away. By now a circle of people stood clear of us as if we were lepers. Even the band onstage stopped playing.

This is Zayn's fault. He's causing a drunken scene. It took me 1.5 seconds to realize how drunk off his ass he is.

"Niall! Niall please!" Zayn screamed my name as two security guards picked him up by his arms. His eyes didn't leave mine. I stood there, paralyzed.

Zayn struggled an arm free and punched one of the black clad guards in the groin and the second in the mouth. The whole crowd watched in awe. It was like watching a bloody bull fight.

My heart is going to explode at this rate.

Zayn ran to me and grabbed me, his muscled arms clutching me tightly. I burst into hot tears that I've been holding back since this morning.

Happiness turned to sadness, which turned into raw anger.

I shoved him off of me. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Lads if you're going to continue this, I suggest you go outside." Liam appears out of the blue behind me.

I nod at him and so does Zayn.

I pause hesitantly and look down at the handsome bleeding boy.

"Don't worry mate, I'll keep an eye on your hot curly-headed boyfriend." Lou pushes past me drunkenly with a wink.

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