A Guy Like You Should Wear a Warning

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Helloooo darlings :) Not much to say besides thank you for still reading and supporting my story. I know how tedious and back-breaking it is just to leave a comment or vote *sarcasm* but I'm so fuckin thankful for those of you that do it.

P.S: If you ever want me to check out one of your stories, I'd be honored to so don't be afraid to ask :)

Enjoy. xx

-Niall's Point of View-

My heart's pounding in my ears and I feel like I'm holding my breath. People say time stops during these types of situations but that is not fucking true.


He's frozen in the doorway as if he's the one intruding in his own bedroom.

I run out of there so fast, tears blurring my vision. I bump into strangers who in return yell at me.

Someone grabs my roughly by the forearms.

"Niall, what's wrong?" Louis asks.

"I'm so fucking sorry! It wasn't my fault! He came on to me! He's drunk!" I speak so fast, I don't know if I'm making any sense. My head is reeling.

Louis stares at me with a vacant expression.

"Niall! There you are babe!" Zayn stumbles through the crowd.

I look back at Louis with pleading eyes. If he says anything, Zayn will lose it.

"Where's your boyfriend Louis?" Zayn asks

Louis ignores him and turns to me.

"You'd better take him home. I'll keep Harry at our flat." Louis sounds vacant as if he's not really all there.

I simply nod.

Zayn's already behind me with his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. He's had too much to drink if he's this sloppy.

"Love, are you ready to go?" I ask turning to face him in his arms.

"As long as we fuck until morning." He laughs tossing his head back.

"But babe, it's gonna be morning in about an hour or two." I half smile.

"Then let's hurry." He says grabbing my face and kissing me sloppily.

During the drive back, the guilt is eating at me. I can't possibly tell him what happend when he's hammered. I'll wait to tell him. I focus on driving.

"You're so sexy Blondie." Zayn reaches over and tries to undo my pants.

"W-what are you doing!?" I panic keeping my eyes on the road.

"I want to blow you." He answers like it's obvious.

"Not now, love."

When I park in front of Zayn's flat, I see that Zayn looks irritated. I unbuckle my seatbelt while Zayn sits there staring straight ahead.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Why'd you just reject me?" He snaps.

"I was driving...." I reply weakly.

We wordlessly head up to his apartment. He goes straight to his room and slams the door shut in my face. It’s almost like my heart falls out of my chest.

My eyes well up with tears.

He shut me out. I shuffle to the couch not wanting to sleep in Harry's room. My heart's aching, my head is swimming, and my eyes sting from crying too much. I'm hurting. I need him now and he's shutting me out. Maybe he’ll come out and get me later on…He wouldn’t make me sleep alone….

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