Time To Unwind

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Here's part two. Enjoyyyy :) And btw, the next chapter will be in Zayn's point of view.

Zayn. That's such a bad boy name. It suits him well. Our hands brush but neither of us react to it. It's only a coincidence.

"Where are you from?" Zayn  questions.

"Ireland, Mullingar." I answer.

"With that accent you must get all the babes." Zayn teases.

"Not really." I shrug.

Our hands brush again and this time he grabs a hold of it. I'm currently feeling a handful of emotions.

Curiosity. Handholding is a romantic thing isn't it? I've never held hands with another lad. I think I like it. No I'm positive that I like it. Zayn's hand is cold but it's around mine and I feel like it's something I've been missing for a long time you know? Perhaps I should've started holding hands with boys a while ago.

Afraid. I mean this is a boy attached to my hand. Not a girl. I don't have a problem with homosexuality, I just didn't believe myself to be that kind of person. Am I now? I am attracted to Zayn physically. I'm more attracted to him than I've ever been of any other girl. I'm even thinking of him naked and on top me. If that fantasy isn't a demonstration of homosexuality, I'm not sure what is. What a revelation.

Giddy. There's no other word to describe it. I feel like I'm thirteen years old and I'm holding hands with my crush. My heart's pounding like it wants to jump out and say hello to Zayn personally. I've known this guy for less than an hour and he's driving me nuts already.

I wonder what Zayn is thinking all the while. I'm obsessing over him in my head. Maybe he's doing the same? God I hope so because then I'd feel like it was all worth it. He IS the one holding my hand but I AM holding his hand back. I don't even know if Zayn is into guys. What if he isn't? But then would he be holding my hand so tightly if he wasn't? I feel like those girls who overly analyzes things boys do.

He said 'sup', what do you think that means? I sigh dramatically. I don't want to sound like that kind of teenager but it's kinda late for that.

"You alright?" Zayn asks giving my hand a squeeze.

"Y-Yeah. I could really go for a drink right now." I said with a laugh.

"You drink Blondie?" Zayn says surprised.

"Yes." I smirk.

We reach the apartment complex where Louis and I live. Zayn stares up at it impassively.

"This is me. Um...you wouldn't want to come upstairs for a bit, would you?"

"I don't know if that's such a good idea."

"My roommate is probably gone, it'd just be me and you...?" I offer.

Wait, is that supposed to make the offer more appealing? Alone time with me? I'm such an idiot. I'm being too pushy. He's gonna be completely turned off by me. Am I coming off too desperate? Damn, shut up brain.

"Okay, let's go." He answers.

I smile at him and he smiles back shyly.

Why am I so damn excited? Oh right, this gorgeous guy wants to spend time with me in my apartment. I hope Lou is gone to visit his girlfriend at uni. If not then things probably go so smoothly. I lead Zayn past the double glass front doors. In the lobby, Christian the receptionist gives me a slight nod and I wave. I quickly press the button for the elevator. My left hand is still attached to Zayn's.

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