I Want To Hold Your Hand

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-Zayn's Point of View-

Jail isn't so bad. It's just really boring. There's not much to do to pass the time besides think.

Mostly, I lie here and recall my favorite moments with Niall all the way from when we first met and up to now. We've been through so much shit in the small amount of time we've spent together. Niall always occupies my thoughts.

I remember seeing Niall drunk for the first time the night we met. He asked me if I'd screw him and I'd told him that I'd fuck his brains out.

I smile at the fact that I've already fucked Niall's brains out on multiple occasions. I've fucked him so hard he hasn't got brains left.

Maybe that's why he sticks around.

It’s been two days of being locked up. Two days of dreaming of Niall. I wake up restless throughout the night. Sometimes I dream beautiful things of Niall. Being with him in bed, telling him sweet nothings that make crimson waves creep up his cheeks, and seeing him smile. Niall should always be happy. Sometimes the good dreams turn into nightmares. Sometimes he’s angry with me and he doesn’t let me touch him. When I wake up from those, I’m unable to go back to sleep.

"Malik, you've got a visitor." The monotone voice of the officer calls.

I have a visitor this early in morning?

Niall appears and he runs up to the bars with a small smile. My heart takes off as if I'm sprinting a marathon. It’s one thing to dream of someone but something else entirely when they’re there in the flesh. Close enough to touch.

"Can I go inside?" Niall asks the moody middle-aged officer with a gray mustache.

"I'm sorry, no can do son." He replies.

Niall frowns but I grab his hands through the stupid bars.

"Don't be upset. I can still touch you."

His hands are so warm and soft and recognizable. I love the way his skin looks against mine. Cream against bronze.

I'm content with holding his hand.

"The lads wanted to wait til noon to come and visit but I couldn't wait." He pulls my hand up to his lips to kiss it softly.

"You're alone?" I ask staring into the eyes I dream of. They're so fucking blue.

Niall nods.

I smile and drink in the gorgeous sight of him. The brown in his hair is getting more pronounced, and his skin seems to be an even lighter shade of ivory.

The both of us sit on the ground, the iron bars keeping us from each other. Niall traces the lines in my palm while he tells me what's been going on at home. He goes on about Liam being interested in some girl. Then he talks about Louis and Harry going on a date that's supposed to take place tonight.

"Harry asked me something interesting."

"Doesn't he always?" I question bitterly.

"No, love. It's about us actually."


"He asked me if I'd marry you and have kids with you one day." He smiled to himself.

I don't know what I feel when I hear this. I'm mainly curious as to why Harry would ask that but even more curious with how Niall answered the question.

"And what did you say?" I ask watching his face carefully.

"Um...that it has...you know...crossed my mind." He shrugs but his blush gives him away.

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