The Carpal Tunnel Of Love

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Hello loves :) I hope I'm not changing POV's too much in this chapter. If you'd like me to just stick to one POV for each chapter tell me if you'd prefer that. Anyways, thanks a whole bunch for the support on this story. You're probably sick of hearing that but I truly do mean it every time. The fanning, voting and commenting brightens up my day, so thank you xxxxxx 

And don't forget, You guys are wonderful. xx


-Zayn's Point of View-

I stared into Niall's blue eyes. My entire skin feels like it's been set on fire. My pulse is racing. My head is screaming to destroy something.

"Zayn! You're hurting me!" Niall whimpers.

I realize I'm clutching Niall too tightly.

"I'm hold myself together because I can't lose you."

"I don't know how this works when I'm afraid of you."

"It won't happen ever again. Don't leave." I plead holding his face and pressing my forehead against his.

"I don't want to leave. All my life I feel like I've been stumbling aimlessly but you balance me."

I want to cry. He can't possibly feel as intensely about me as I feel about him but I'm beginning to believe otherwise. Niall has become necessary to me like air, like breathing, without him I could literally die. Niall makes me annoyingly melodramatic.

"I'm sorry angel. I have this anger raging inside of me and I don't know what to do with it." I stand up and begin to pace through the room.

My blood's boiling. I want to hurt Harry. I want to find him and do things that no one should witness. There's pure chaos in my head and I need to silence it somehow.

"Take it out on me." Niall says quietly.

I look down at his sad figure on the ground unable to process his words.

"Are you mad Niall?"

"I mean it."

The light bulb goes off in my head and I understand the underlying message in his words.

I look around at the mess I've created. The broken lamp and the bloody fist print on the wall are products of my fucked-up anger but I feel it crawling back up again and I need a way to get rid of it.

I pick Niall up roughly by the shirt.

"You understand what you're asking for?" I ask intensely.

Niall licks his lips and nods.

I tear Niall's shirt apart, the buttons flying everywhere. His fair skin breaks into chills as I pull off the fabric from his body. I love that fair skin of his.

I kiss his neck and bite down, raking my teeth against the column of his throat. Niall sighs blissfully as if he's enjoying it. Is he enjoying it? I leave countless love bites along his collar bone.

"Take off your trousers. Now." I demand.

Niall fumbles at first but kicks off his trousers along with his underwear so he stands before me completely naked. Besides his socks. I try to hide my smile.

"What?" Niall asks timidly.

"Take your socks off." I say getting back to business.

He pulls them off and looks to me for instruction, his cheeks slightly flushed. That spatter of pink against his pale cheeks makes me feel possessive of him. He’s mine and only mine. No exceptions.

Cheers, Here's To LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin