HOT™ Keonhee

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↑this and this↓ UGH

Anywho, this look SLAPPED

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Anywho, this look SLAPPED. His hair = perfection. Those exposed eyebrows make him look so hot. And his poses and attitude? Exude dom energy. White really is his color and turtlenecks were invented by him. Only facts here.

Anywho, this chapter was ONLY to showcase how beautiful (read: freaking hot) Keonhee is.

Also, I'm making a song recommendations playlist so keep em coming I'm also gonna ask my irl friends.

Sorry for no quality stuff again. Hopefully soon.

Personal sTuFF skip if you want:

Side note: I'm kinda jealous that my friend and this cute girl in my class get along so well like it took me a bit to get her to open up but oh well. My friend's a little pushy, though, so cute girl may be a little overwhelmed. Idk I don't even want a relationship really? cause I'm not really looking for one with anyone atm but dang she cute.

Also, I felt bad cause I think I scared this boy in my group cause I asked if he wanted to say anything. I'm the type to make sure everyone speaks cause 1) it's required and 2) I want everyone to have a chance to participate even if they're too shy to speak up right away. Some need a little push, you know? But I've never met him and my friend who sits by him said he's really shy. Sorry if I scared you I just didn't want you to feel left out :(.

LOLOL my energy is so ever-changing like I can be energetic and outgoing if I have to but I'm, by default, an introvert. So in group stuff I try to be more outgoing to make everyone feel comfortable but then I need time to rest and recharge. I adjust my energy based on the people there.

Oop, I got a HECKA large amount of hw to do and I took a HECKA long nap so probs didn't help my case but my body feels like jell-o and I'm fatigued.

Have a nice day/night!

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